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The QueueSep 29, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Whatever happens to Friday?

Every day of the week seems to rush by, and then we are left again at Friday. Somehow, this is always a surprise.

But since it’s Friday, let’s get to it and Queue.


Q4tq (or anyone who cares to answer): When did Blizzard Watch become Forsaken?
By which I mean when did BW return from the grave?

Don’t get me wrong I’m happy for the return (and pray it is more enduring than g4tv’s). But the last time I was in the loop some merger or other meant that BW would be no more, and I thought that was it until I started seeing FB posts.

Welcome to the new Blizzard Watch, the same as the old Blizzard Watch.

Really though, most of us (some of us) used to be part of a site called WoW Insider, which was owned by AOL which decided to shutter all of its gaming properties in early 2015, which left us all at rather loose ends. So we started Blizzard Watch and, well, we just kept doing it. Over the years, people have come and gone, games have come and gone, and the state of the internet has gone through quite a few iterations.

But at a core we’re still here, and it’s not even uncommon for people to show up realizing we still exist for the first time even though we’ve done our best not to go anywhere.

So, hello! Welcome back. Plenty has changed, but also plenty is the same.


Q4tQ: for Classic Hardcore, which class do you play/would you play if you tried it? Asking because it looks like a lot of people thought hunter was a safe bet and… maybe not.

It’s clear that nothing is safe in Classic Hardcore… but I think I’d go Warlock. On one hand, it’s the nostalgia pick: my very first character was a Warlock, and I played it all through vanilla. On the other hand, I think it’s a practical choice. Warlocks weren’t a high-damage caster, but they had high health and survivability as well as pets to support them. Need a tank? Pull out the Voidwalker. Need CC? Succubus. Need to get rid of some nasty debuffs? Time for the Felhunter.

It was a very versatile class with the tools to handle lots of situations and keep itself alive, and it didn’t require the downtime you’d have on other casters because you could life tap for mana (within reason) and drain life to heal yourself back up. Very solid toolkit.


Does Dragonriding still need some tweaking, especially when it comes to things like farming ore and herbs? There are still plenty of times where i end up with no vigor and have to sit a bit to recharge before i can continue on.

Farming for herbs or ore in Azure Span is the worst. The whole zone is at an incline, so in one direction, it’s all an easy glide downhill, even if you keep stopping and starting to pick any flowers you see. But then you have to go back uphill, which always feels like an arduous game of stopping and starting and waiting to recharge your vigor.

Dragonriding can be very fun, but it’s terrible for this because it’s all about momentum, and gathering herbs or ore means you’re constantly, intentionally losing momentum. Gathering is antithetical to Dragonriding.

But I don’t think Blizzard is going to try to solve the problem. Instead, patch 10.2 is adding ordinary flying to the Dragon Isles, which means we’ll be able to get on our old mounts and fly around. They’re slower, but they don’t need to recharge and they’re much easier to control so you can head down to pick that herb or mine that ore when you see it, then jump immediately back into the sky.

It’s not exactly a fix, but it will fix that problem.


How would you implement 10 pin bowling into WoW or Diablo?

This is a raid encounter just waiting to happen. Perhaps the boss grabs a player to throw like a bowling ball while the raid has to control the ten adds (pins) that focus on the player after the boss hurls them across the arena. Or maybe it’s the other way around: players have to grab adds and hurl them into a barricade to knock it down and get to the boss.

Either way, it would be an interesting fight.


What other animals/creatures would you make skinnable and why?
I’ll start: Satyr. Because i bet they make great leg warmers.

Let me turn this around. What makes Satyr a better source for leg warmers than, say, a bear? Lots of creatures have thick fur to help keep your legs warm. Just because you admire a Satyr’s fur doesn’t mean you can kill them and skin them for it.


QftQ: If Chris Metzen was a centaur would he be better at his job?

No. Having extra legs does not inherently make you a better writer.


Whelp it’s now past midnight here, so with it being the 29th I am officially 40. Any suggestions?

Life is too dang short. Do the things that make you happy, no matter what anyone else says.

Also: Happy birthday!

And that’s all for now, my fellow internet denizens. Take care of yourselves, have a good weekend, and hopefully I’ll see you back here next week.

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