The Queue: Frozen Turkey Day!
Today marks the return of Steam Next Fest, probably my current favorite gaming experience. Held thrice a year, Next Fest has hundreds of demos with a heavy focus on indie developers, although some of the major studios will have titles to show off (could Hades 2 make an appearance? Unlikely! But I can dream). What’s cool about Next Fest is that games are only allowed to be featured in one event, so you’re guaranteed to get a ton of new game demos every four months. Of course, many games keep their demos active after Next Fest is over, but it’s still a nice time to try out games and add them to your wish list.
It’s Thanksgiving in Canada so Cory asked me to fill in for him. I’ve even put in an earworm from a Hall of Fame Canadian band!
Wait, Milling and Prospecting are gone? How do you get stuff for those professions now?
They are not gone! Instead, they have been removed as separate abilities and are now in the the profession interface. One of the nice advantages of this new method is that you no longer need to have the items in your bags; you can prospect/mill reagents from your bank now.
Q4tQ: It sounds like Dreamsurges are a temporary thing, with some sort of “Final Surge” coming this month. Do we know what’s going to happen in this Final Surge?
They’re actually unrelated — this is something that’s a tad confusing due to the similar names. The Dreamsurge event will continue indefinitely as a feature from Dragonflight. The “Final Surge” is a recently added feature of the Trading Post where players completing activities at the end of the month gain more points, helping them to reach the 1000 point reward faster.
Just saw an article talking about Diablo VI – time traveler outing themselves, or innocent typo? We may never know.
It could be both! I’ve even recently played a game where a time traveler outs themselves via innocent “mistakes”.
If you could choose any non-Blizzard-owned game franchise to have a crossover with WoW which one would it be
I’ve become a big fan of the Coffee Talk franchise these last few months so I would love to have a game where you’re serving drinks to the various leaders of Azeroth and helping them work through their problems. It’d be low stakes, sure, but can you imagine helping Baine and Mayla work through their wedding plans, or encouraging Jaina to listen to her mother?
Ok, that might be less exciting in reality, so my second choice is a Civilization-style game on Azeroth, where you play as the various leaders and try to build your own nation to stand the test of time.
Q4tQ: Since the seasons have changed, I’ve been getting a lot of recommendations for “Autumn themed music”. Which WoW zone music do you thinks evokes the feeling of fall best?
I’m going to go with Howling Fjord. While Grizzly Hills and Highmountain (and to a lesser extent Stormheim) could all be good answers here, the music in Howling Fjord has a little bit of a “winter is coming” edge to it that makes it feel more intense.
Favorite non major city inn?
The Stout Lager Inn in Thelsamar. Classic Dwarven inn, and the patio counts as rested area so you can log out directly from outside.
What’s the last game you finished? As in, played it through to the end, not just decided to stop playing.
Coffee Talk 2! Wow, who knew I’d have three answers involving Coffee Talk today?
A) Other than Dwarf (and Dark Iron Dwarf), what’s your favorite playable race in WoW?
B) Other than Vrykul, which race would you most want to play if it was added to WoW?
A) Highmountain Tauren, easily. Highmountain remains my favorite zone, the Talonclaw acquisition remains my favorite Artifact questline, and Huln remains my favorite dead person in Ardenweald. Plus we got a major NPC running the Black Dragonflight now — everything’s coming up Highmountain!
B) Ooooh, not including Vrykul, eh? That’s a tough one. The Drogbar might be a fun choice, but I suspect they wouldn’t be very popular. I’m going to have to go with Naga. Since Dracthyr have limited wardrobe appearance options I don’t think the “wouldn’t be able to wear pants” aspect of the Naga would be a deal-breaker any more. Heck, the recent Trading Post armor sets would work perfect for playable Naga! Wait … hmmm …
Why can’t Canadians get the correct date for Thanksgiving?
I imagine that five weeks from now the average temperature in Canada is -10 degrees Celsius and there’s three feet of snow on the ground so of course they’re going to have it earlier than their southern neighbors. Considering Thanksgiving is a harvest festival, in general you want to actually have it close to the harvest days of your land.
That’s all the questions that are fit to answer this holiday. Hopefully those in the Great White North are having a relaxing day, and be sure to leave Anna plenty of questions for tomorrow.
Oh yeah: today’s earworm is Red Barchetta by Rush.
And don’t forget to check out Next Fest!
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