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The QueueOct 10, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: How’s it going, fellow ghouls?

You know, I’ve always been incredibly resistant to Christmas creep. Aside from things I’ve picked up while I’m travelling, I rarely start shopping until after Thanksgiving, and I really resent it when I go to the store in mid-November for a butternut squash or something and Michael Buble is already singing his heart out.

But Halloween creep? Well, for Halloween, we’re all creeps, aren’t we.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer just as soon as you stick your hand into this bowl of skinned grapes. OooOOOooo!


Q4tQ Any costume plans for Halloween?

I’m torn between two options. I may go full Roy Lichtenstein, using face paint and graphic eyeliner to create a comic look. It’ll take forever, but it’s usually pretty easy, and even if people don’t get the Lichtenstein reference, comics are such a cultural touchstone it’s still semi-recognizable as a fun costume.

My other option is ridiculously low-effort, and a slightly more obscure reference — just my normal clothes and stuff, but with a very thick green ribbon tied around my neck. Less striking, but if you know you know.

My daughter is going as Scarlet Witch, and my son is going to be a train engineer for the 4th year in a row.


Timely Q4tQ: do you play game demos? How much have they changed your mind about whether or not to get a game?

Asking because Kal linked a bunch of Steam NextFest games and now I have at least one to try. And I’ve played many demos that convinced me not to play the game, one of which was a major bummer for me. >_<

I’ve played a bunch, and usually the only difference is between whether I want to buy something on day one, or if I’m going to stick it in my wishlist to molder until Steam Summer Sale 2029 when it’ll be $2.

The one I considered pushing back but decided against it was House Flipper 2. In playing the demo, it’s clear that they’re trying to emphasize the parts of the reno I don’t really care about (cleaning, fixing walls) while making the parts I do care about a little more customizable, but a little clunkier (decorating, rearranging furniture). I’ll probably still get it day one because I use the OG as a demi-CAD program for my actual house, and the new one looks like it’ll be excellent for that, but now my expectations are tempered a bit.

The demos I’m trying now include Enshrouded, DRG: Survivor, Pine Harbor, Garden Life Cozy Simulator, and Reveil. All seem pretty solid and what I was expecting so far. Horticular is on my ‘maybe’ pile, since I’m finding that, while I love house sims and decorating games, I’m not the biggest fan of the ones involving town management and biome reconstruction.


I’m really lowkey irritated when someone says “Y2K wasn’t that big a deal.” Obviously nothing catastrophic happened, but that’s due to the diligence and work put in ahead of the fact to prevent anything from happening.

Source of this rant: just read an article describing “The biggest hoaxes in history.”

History is littered with examples of things people chortle at now, but which, if you look under the surface, are really serious.

I will never miss an opportunity to say that the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit was more than justified. That poor woman was suing because that coffee was so incredibly hot — and they knew it was so hot — that she burned off parts of her genitals and spent weeks in the hospital. Just thinking about what she went through in those first few days makes me break out in Halloween-appropriate frisson goosebumps. All she wanted was for them to pay for her medical bills, and they dragged her through the mud to the extent that she’s still laughed about. The absolute audacity of that company.

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