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BlizzConNov 3, 2023 10:00 am CT

It’s time to play BlizzCon 2023 bingo with our BlizzCon bingo board!

BlizzCon is a community-driven experience for attendees, but that doesn’t mean that those of us at home are left out of the fun. Amid two days of celebrating our favorite games, we expect all manner of announcements, pageantry, and other shenanigans to happen on the show floor. There are so many things that are jam packed into those two days, it can be tough to keep track of it all. And while we’ll certainly have your back with wall-to-wall coverage on the panels and lots of other fun stuff from the Con floor, we think there might be a more fun way to keep track of it all.

Enter our bingo boards.

It’s become a bit of a tradition for us to put these together for both BlizzCon and other special events. Though many — if not all — the squares are jokes, there’s always a chance they’ll come to pass. Whether that is a hoped-for outcome or a Monkey’s Paw wish remains to be seen. In any case, we hope you enjoy playing along as much as we enjoy making these boards. Even if not, it’s unlikely we’ll be stopped, so you may as well come along on the ride.

If you’re unfamiliar with the rules of Bingo, it’s pretty straightforward. When something on one of the squares happens, you mark off the square. If you get five in a row, column, or diagonal, you win! Unfortunately, the only thing you get for winning is the satisfaction of beating the game — Blizzard has not yet agreed to put your name on a statue of Lilith, even though we’ve asked. Bummer. At least you can still yell “Bingo!”

Here is our  BlizzCon 2023 Bingo Board:

And if you’d like to make your own, here’s a blank one:

Let us know how many squares you filled in this year!

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Filed Under: Bingo

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