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WoW ClassicNov 8, 2023 4:00 pm CT

Is Hardcore World of Warcraft moving beyond Classic? Not for Now.

During BlizzCon 2023, we learned about quite a few changes in Warcraft Classic Aside from Classic realms moving from Wrath to Cataclysm, we have the Season of Discovery arriving soon, and Hardcore mode will have a new Solo Self Found mode, where you level 1-60 alone and can not craft items or trade until level 60.

With the success of Hardcore mode, can we expect to see the mode used in other Classic eras, Season of Discovery, or even in retail World of Warcraft? The answer is not right now — but maybe later.

The lesson of WoW Classic is to never say never

In an interview with with Assistant Lead Designer Tim Jones and Game Producer Linny Cooke-Saverline, we asked about the future of Hardcore. With the massive boom of Hardcore WoW Classic — which has even been drawing in new players to the World of Warcraft — would we be going off to face Illidan, Arthas, or even the upcoming Deathwing? For that matter, there’s also the Season of Discovery coming at the end of November, which could also use the Hardcore ruleset.

Tim Jones replied that Hardcore’s origin is from the community. The community made the mod that was the source of Hardcore mode, and they also created rule sets that are being used — including the Solo Self Found mode coming later this year. It’s also the community that is focusing in on the Classic server even with other servers available. While there are people playing hardcore Wrath, the unique leveling experience seems to be the main draw for Hardcore mode players.

So, for now, the development team is focusing efforts where the community wants, and as such, there is no plan right now for Hardcore to move beyond its current form in Classic. This does not necessarily mean that it can not happen. They could implement Hardcore in the other eras, as well as the Season of Discovery, or even retail World of Warcraft.  These options are available to the teams, but they are going to follow the lead of the players and only move forward if they see the demand arise. Though, making it up to the feet of Arthas and die, only to not be resurrected by Tirion Fordring because of the Hardcore ruleset means that we would need “some changes” after all.

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