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The QueueNov 24, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: O! This Friday!

Welcome, friends, to this, the blackest of Fridays. It’s that weird Friday that doesn’t feel like a Friday, because clearly Wednesday was Friday and Thursday was Saturday which would make today Sunday but actually it’s Friday and basically time and space has unraveled. Happy Friday! I think! Maybe! Let’s do some questions.


Silly Q4tQ: how would your main handle the Black Friday shopping crowds?

Mine’s a mage, so she would just turn herself invisible, grab what she wanted, then blink to the cashiers. Shopping done in five minutes. :P

Divine Steed, baby. I’ll charge in on the back of a glowing horse past the crowds and grab the hottest doorbuster deals and be out of there before anyone can catch up.

However, I like to think my paladin is more sensible than to go out and face the crowds. Better to stay in with a hot drink and leftover pie.


If you buy the pre-order and get a physical CE later, you get the cost of the pre-order reimbursed later, yeah?

In Dragonflight if you pre-ordered and then applied a Collector’s Edition code to your account, you had the pre-order refunded as Battle.net Balance. There’s no sign Blizzard intends to change this, but also they’ve done Collector’s Edition refunds in a number of different ways before, so it’s possible something else will happen this go around.

However, a refund as Battle.net Balance is not the same as a refund. For those of us keeping active WoW subscriptions and buying games, this may be a thin distinction, because the cash will get spent anyway.  Still, it’s not a refund.


QftQ? When does an mmo become a single player game? What’s the line it has to cross?

Even if the game allows you to do everything on your own, it’s still an MMO. It’s a massive universe in which other players exist and you can team up and play with whenever you want.

Being able to run dungeons on your own with a group of NPCs to complete quests doesn’t make the game not an MMO. You can do things on your own, but you can also join your friends for adventures. The option remains, and that’s what makes it an MMO.

So I suppose the line it would have to cross, in my opinion, would be removing the multiplayer features. As long as the massively multiplayer universe is available, it’s an MMO.


Q4tQ: what’s the superior breakfast handheld food? Breakfast burrito, McMuffin style style sandwich, or breakfast blt with fried egg?

Breakfast burrito is the perfect handheld food. It can be filled with anything you’d like and is completely self contained (as long as it has been properly assembled). Delicious eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, anything you like, in a totally handheld and delicious package.

Thanks, Cory, now I’m hungry. :(

And that’s all I have for you today, my friends. I hope those of you in North America are having a very pleasant holiday — with apologies to everyone in North America who is working retail this weekend, good luck out there — and I hope everyone else is simply having a very pleasant Friday. Take care of yourselves and I’ll see you next week!

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