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The QueueDec 1, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: This is a Queue, probably (probably)

Blood elf wearing sunglasses with a plush duck on her head

It’s Friday. I’ve got my sunglasses, I’ve got my duck, let’s go.


Late Q4tQ: what mount type do you think WoW needs more of? My answer is motorcycles. There’s only a handful of them in the game and that seems like a tremendous oversight. Heck, more mechanical mounts in general. How do we not have a dwarven siege tank as a mount yet?


World of Warcraft is kind of in a duck phase right now, so let’s get some duck mounts. I don’t think these ducks should visually fly, but instead stay with wings folded and feet paddling through the sky. It would be perfect.


Q4Liz: Do you think there’s space for new IPs to be created with the Microsoft aquisition of Activision-Blizzard? What new ideas would you suggest for them to use in order to get the most of this deal?

I think there’s always room for new IPs… provided Blizzard is allowed the time and space to work on them (and it does take time). There’s always a new genre they could delve into or a new type of game they could create, but I’m not sure they’re going to, primarily because they’re already working on something new: the untitled survival game. Would they want to work on multiple significant projects at the same time? I’m not sure.

And for my part, I’d rather them make new things in existing IPs, particularly new StarCraft games. Come on, Blizz, make it happen!


Q4tQ: What are your thoughts about the latest Blizzard customer survey? They seem to be trying to gauge what bonus content at what price points people would be interested in for the D4 expansion. The two biggest things that stood out to me were the prices, with $100 for the highest tier, and “expanded stash storage” as a reward for higher priced tiers.

In the latest Campfire Chat, Blizzard denied any pay-for-power features coming to Diablo 4. They didn’t specifically mention the survey or address the cost of the expansion, but they stressed, both at the beginning  and the end of the chat, that they do not intend to add any pay-for-power, including offering extra stash slots for money.

So take that for what it’s worth. While we don’t know how much expansions will cost, the team claims they don’t intend to provide any in-game benefits for money.


Q4tQ How do you think the Warband is going to work for unlocking transmog? Will you need to have a character that can use the transmog in order to unlock (for example, must have a DH to unlock glaive appearances), or do you think you will unlock everything regardless of whether someone in your Warband can use it?

When Blizzard explained it, it sounded like the system was universal. I think you’re going to collect everything, regardless of whether you have a character who can wear it.

I don’t know folks, it’s been a long week and I’m feeling pretty weird about the state of existence. I hope you all have a Friday that has a little more clarity than mine. Be well and I’ll talk to you next week.

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