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The QueueDec 4, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: I rock

I rock, do you?

I was originally going to just use a picture of this nice shiny new bear form until I realized it was probably supposed to be bark and not stone that it was made out of… So I had to improvise and attend a rock concert! I still didn’t get the bass guitar to drop, but I did have a bunch of time in the mosh pit with the Heavy Metal Knight.

While I wait for the ringing in my ears to go down, it’s time for — The Queue!


Q4tQ: Do you think Velen is ever going to get a new staff? At some point Legion will be so far in the past, newer players might not even know there was once a crystal inside that hollow piece of wood.

For his sake, I hope he does. We’ve all been in a situation where we’re waiting to replace a piece of gear forever. Maybe it just won’t drop for you, or worse it drops all the time and you can’t ever manage to roll high enough against other players to win it.

As for newer players, maybe they’ll just assume he’s going for a simple staff out of a priestly urge to stay humble? That works as long as you don’t notice all of the other fancy trappings he has…


Q4TQ: what do you do after planting/nurturing a seed?
– kill the lashers?
– pull the weeds?
– stomp the weevils?
– all of the above?
– abandon the place and go to the next seed, and then come back later for the reward?

If I’m actually paying attention I’ll stomp weevils and pull weeds — usually, though I’ll drop a bunch of dewdrops into it and just tab out for three minutes.

If I’m just doing the weekly planting quest I’ll land, plant a single green seed, and then fly away.


Q4TQ: what’s the easiest D&D class to play?

Warlock and Fighters are both pretty easy.

Warlocks just cast Eldritch Blast at anything that moves and Fighters hit things with their weapon of choice. Sometimes you hit that thing in a fancy way.

That being said, I know there are ways you can make them complicated, and honestly any character shouldn’t be that complicated for you to play. Even those Wizard-y types with lots of spells. Just pick a few you like and start with those. You can always get fancy later!

Unless you step on a piece of LEGO, then your Wizard might have a very short life.


Q4tQ: do you think we will get new loading screen art for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms in 11.0? Because it feels like we are long overdue.

Oh boy, do I hope we get a new set of art soon. Not only because we’re overdue, but because new art from the artists at Blizzard is always welcome! I’m sure we could also sell it as most of these characters have gone through changes and some aren’t important for the narrative anymore. Whatever the reason — more art, please, and thank you!


Wouldn’t it be nice if we found 1000 TP in one of our Feast of Winterveil presents?

It really would be.

I know that we’re not supposed to look at the Trader’s Post as an “I have to collect all of this right now” feature, but they keep expanding the number of things each month on offer each month and some of them are very pricey! You need basically a full month’s Tenders for your class armor set and the weapon collection. Let alone any of the fun mounts and pets that they sneak in.

Things have been coming around again after they’ve left, but then you’ve gotta choose between the new and the old stuff. Why can’t we just keep earning additional tenders above and beyond the first 1000 necessary to unlock the month’s bonus reward? Players who want to go hard on extra activities can continue to fill out their logbooks. As long as the items continue to pop back up in the Trading Post after their month is over it wouldn’t even feel like players were ‘forced’ to do everything.

It might even encourage players who didn’t participate in some of the activities to go and dip their toes in once they’ve gone through the easier Tender options.


Q4TQ: do you think Zaralek Cavern was designed on purpose as a sort of prototype for the underground zones they were already planning for The War Within? Or do you think ZC was designed first, and seeing its success, they decided to create the underground zones for TWW?

I think that this was part of their throwing stuff at the wall plan in Dragonflight to what sticks. In this case, we know for sure that they’re happy with the seamless flying from other zones into the new one, and are planning on using the same airlock technology in War Within. What I’m most surprised about is that the Emerald Dream zone around Amirdrassil doesn’t use that same technology, and instead has a loading bar.

I’m also optimistic about lessons learned around Rare spawns from the Zaralek Caverns, that they’ve gone back and tinkered with them after the patch is a good sign that they know they aren’t a good system.

Today we have a very sleepy Bacardi for your extra luck needs. He’s busy conserving his energy so that when it comes time to open your vaults on Tuesday he’ll be able to give you the very best luck possible. I’d say that there’s next to no chance he oversleeps and totally forgets to give you any extra luck, I don’t even know why I brought it up just now.

Today’s Anna Earworm™: Beyond

Have a great Monday everyone, I hope that you don’t have to clean any snow off of your car or anything! Please also remember to leave Anna with lots of questions for tomorrow!

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