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The QueueDec 8, 2023 2:00 pm CT

The Queue: Questioning the meaning of questions

Hello my patient friends! There were not many questions today, so I’m working with what I’ve got as an excuse to talk about transmog and Jurassic Park. Let’s go!


Follower dungeons was the surprise feature of 10.2.5. Any guesses what the surprise feature for 10.2.7 might be?

Anything in WoW that’s on your “to-do” list that you feel is tuned a little too difficult? Rep grinds that feel like they should be shorter? Personally I’m surprised I’m still trying to max out Engineering and the talent tree this late in the expansion.

What’s your favorite winter drink?

(1) Lately we’ve seen Blizzard rolling out features that are echoes of future features. So we saw the Kalimdor Cup before the Eastern Kingdoms Cup before Dragonriding in Azeroth (also coming in patch 10.2.5)  before Dynamic Flight in The War Within expansion.

So I wonder if we’re going to see any other features roll out in short segments as teasers to future features. My choice would be to start rolling out Warband features, peppering out some alt-friendly features while we wait for the expansion. Perhaps we can start earning transmog across our alts? That would be a nice quality of life feature to roll out late in an expansion to give us something to do. (It’s not like I’m not collecting transom anyway, but I could be collecting it faster.)

(2) I can’t think of anything where the problem isn’t either my own sloth or enthusiasm.

(3) Eggnog.



Do you find it jarring when you go back and do a timewalking dungeon or old raid, and realize that one of the voice actors went on to voice someone more notable?

Like Socrethar the Eternal now sounds only like Reinhardt to you, or I’m pretty sure that Illysanna Ravencrest is secretly Grand Magistrix Elisande?

And Grand Magistrix Elisande is weirdly similar to Merithra. Is this all an illusion? Is there a Green Dragonflight at all?

I think Jennifer Hale is fantastic, but the problem is that once you start hearing all of these characters as Jennifer Hale, it does get disorienting. What are you hiding?!



Did any new games catch your eye at The Game Awards?

A couple of games caught my eye, but they don’t seem to be the mainstream favorites. I am already very hyped for Blade from Arkane Lyon, less out of an enthusiasm for Blade and more out of an enthusiasm for Arkane itself, and Blade traipsing about Paris slaughtering vampires sounds like a heck of a lot of fun to me. (I’ve gotta do something other than replaying Dishonored, so I may as well look forward to Blade.)

And while I have not seen hype from anyone but me, I am extremely interested in Jurassic Park: Survival. The Jurassic Park franchise has wandered all over the map, but this game goes back to the original source material and takes place the day after the original movie, following a scientist left behind in Isla Nublar after the dinosaurs have overrun the place. I love the idea of going back to the beginning not to remake it but to tell a new, different story that comes after. Survival appears to be a survival horror game, which feels like it fits perfectly with the premise. The initial teaser was all of our favorite callouts to the movie but with a new angle, used to tell a new story.

It’s not exactly groundbreaking either in story or gameplay, but the trailer took me right back to sitting in the back of mom’s car driving home from the bookstore, devouring the Jurassic Park TPB and not registering a single thing about the outside world.


Do you have any handy links to BW resources on Ember Court, broken mirrors, or Revendreth rares? I ragequit covenant systems in Shadowlands, but have gone back and done them this expansion, and the Venthyr are the last one I need to do. (With primary focus on mount acquisition.)

For this I can only link you to Wowhead. We don’t do a lot of big guides like this primarily because other sites do them better and faster than we do, so we usually do smaller and more focused guides. However:

Anyone else have advice? Guides like this aren’t kept up to date and some things — Blanchy, for one — are harder to get when the content isn’t brand new.


That’s all for today, friends. I hope you weren’t expecting a masterpiece because of the post being late, because this is I’ve got for you! Take care everybody and have a great weekend.

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