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The QueueDec 15, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: It’s Friday and I’m tired already

I’m tired because I’m always tired, but also we’re headed into the holiday season, and I will at least attempt to channel my exhaustion into the holiday-fueled variety. Let’s do this.


Q4tQ Do you think Ysera will make a return in the future? If so, in what role?

Sometimes the dead just need to stay dead. Constantly bringing back the dead is practically a trope of genre fiction across all mediums, including Warcraft. But when you constantly bring back the dead or build key characters who are practically invulnerable, death and danger ceases to have any meaning.

So sometimes the dead need to stay dead, of the stories you’re telling about them won’t matter.

Whew, that’s enough heavy stuff for today. Let’s get back to the holidays.


Which is your favorite of the old-school classic Christmas TV specials? Which one did you like the least?

For me it’s Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Night Before Christmas (which thankfully has pretty much vanished) For sheer WTF terrible I give a special award to The Life and Times of Santa Claus.

Definitely Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, whose stop-motion animation has a unique sort of charm. Plus it’s just a great underdog story. Any story about Rudolph is an underdog story, but this one is particularly good and rather exceptionally quirky. And who could forget the Island of Misfit Toys?


Christmas Cookies

Always an excellent topic of conversation. Cookies are always great, but there’s something extra special about a warm cookie on a cold winter night. My favorite are snickerdoodles, which aren’t necessarily a holiday cookie, but really any cookie is a Christmas cookie if you eat it in December.


Which Christmas song would you find easiest to wow-ify?

I’m just gonna point to the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.

(Which, coincidentally, also includes a reference to Rudolph as discussed earlier.)


What was your favorite Christmas present? Least favorite?

For me, favorite was probably NHL ’94 for Sega, me and my brother played the living hell out of that game.

Least favorite, I got a coat rack one year. Looking back on it I understand why, we didn’t have much money and I needed one, but man was that crushing as a ten-year old.

One year, a few days before Christmas, my parents had left me at my Grandparents’ house. When they came to to fetch me, they had a cookie tin, which they said was a Christmas present. But I can’t open it because it’s not Christmas, I said, but they insisted I ought to open it.

Inside there was a puppy, a miniature long-haired dachshund, whom we named Dianne Dianna Danna. She was terribly precious (and terribly spoiled). She was perfect.

Worst present was socks, which I believe my aunt gave me one year when I was quite young. I needed socks, we all need socks, but wanted toys, of course, and I’m pretty sure I had a tantrum over it. Today, however, I love socks, particularly socks with stripes and fun patterns. Warm feet are a gift in and of themselves, and I did not fully appreciate this in my youth.

And that, my compatriots in the Queue, is all I have for you today. We have all managed to survive another week and head into the weekend victorious, and ready for Winter Veil, which in fact kicks off tomorrow. Happy holidays and I hope to see you back here next week.

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