When is the Dragonflight patch 10.2.7 release date? The Dark Heart arrives the week of May 7

With the 2024 roadmap for World of Warcraft and the oncoming wrap up of Dragonflight, we knew the final patch would likely fall toward the end of spring, and we now have confirmation: the final Dragonflight patch, patch 10.2.7, releases May 7, 2024.
Perhaps the most interesting thing in this patch is the story: the Dark Heart the patch was named after is the object Iridikron received at the end of the Dawn of the Infinite megadungeon, which is presumed to have been passed on to Xal’atath. The patch will presumably continue that story and lead us into the story of The World Within with a quest chain about Xal’atath, the Harbinger. Perhaps we’ll finally learn exactly what this Dark Heart is.
The patch also includes WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, which offers an interesting way to kill time until The War Within launches. Players will create new characters that will level from 10 – 70 in Pandaria, earning unique powers and collecting new cosmetic items. These characters will be available to play in The War Within on launch, so it will offer a refreshing new way to level alts.
There are a few other notable features as well, including Draenei and Trolls finally getting their Heritage Armor quest chains — Trolls were the last vanilla WoW race without Heritage Armor, so it’s past time they had their own unique look. However, the quests weren’t on the PTR so we won’t see them until the patch goes live.
With a release date of May 7, the patch (and WoW Remix beyond) miss the Memorial Day holiday (May 27) and Cataclysm Classic (May 20), are not impacted, allowing both backyard cookout enthusiasts and hardcore Cataclysm players to rejoice. This also allows for the pace of patch releases to continue as expected throughout the rest of the year, with the prepatch for The War Within arriving in mid-to-late July, priming us for an expansion release in late August or September.
So tune in May 7 for patch 10.2.7 as the final chapter of the Dragonflight arc releases, and we move toward the next expansion.
Originally published March 3, 2023. Updated April 22, 2024.
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