Where to start the WoW patch 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal quests
If you’re coming back to World of Warcraft for patch 10.2.5, the Seeds of Renewal, you may have a lot of catching up to do. It can be frustrating to find the various locations that allow you to experience all that patch has to offer. We know your pain. We also ask ourselves how do I start this and then we write a post! And that’s exactly what happened here because much of the new 10.2.5 content doesn’t have an obvious start point. So here are some of the big quests and stories from patch 10.2.5 and how to find them.
Where to start The Reclamation of Gilneas
It’s fairly easy to start Reclamation of Gilneas for both Alliance and Horde players:
- Alliance start with the Greyguard Elite NPC next to the portal to Stormwind in Valdrakken. He gives the quest Summons to Lord Greymane. From there, you go to Stormwind and talk to Genn, who gives the quest To Gilneas.
- Horde start with the Deathguard Elite NPC next to the portal to Orgrimmar in Valdrakken. From there you are sent to meet up with Calia Menethil and Lilian Voss via the quest Clandestine Movements.
- Both quests dovetail together as both the Horde and Alliance have reasons to not want the Scarlet Crusade in Gilneas. The Horde don’t want a group that wants to exterminate all Forsaken and their allies in a fortified position right on the recently reclaimed Undercity’s southern border. The Alliance wants Gilneas back so that the Worgen can finally stop crashing on their couch.
So head to Valdrakken and the portals to Stormwind/Orgrimmar and you’ll find the NPC who starts the Reclamation of Gilneas quest chain.
Where to start the Azerothian Archives
The Azerothian Archives quests also start in Valdrakken: just look around for fliers that give the quest To the Archives! If you can’t find any, go into the Roasted Ram Inn and you’ll see one on the column across from the innkeeper.
This will send you northeast to the Algeth’ar Academy in Thaldrsazus. The Azerothian Archives are just to the north of it, and once there you get the Excavation 101 and Technoscrying 101 quests. You’ll need those to unlock the various World Quests and the weekly event at the Big Dig.
How to start the Dragonflight 10.2.5 epilogue quests
In order to start the Dragonflight epilogue quests, you need to talk to Alexstrasza at the Seat of the Aspects in Valdrakken. She’ll offer the quest Fair Skies and Strong Winds — but a bug may prevent the quest from showing. If she doesn’t offer it, there here’s a potential fix: if you have the quest To Tyrhold, try abandoning it to force a respawn. This has helped some players who couldn’t find the quest.
How to get to Bel’ameth
Bel’ameth is a new settlement in the far west of the Dragon Isles map, past the Emerald Dream portal. You have to complete Dragonflight‘s patch 10.2 campaign in order to travel to Bel’Ameth. Once you’ve done that, you can travel to Bel’ameth via portals or flightpoints. Alliance players will find the Bel’ameth portal in the Stormwind portal room, but Horde players will need to travel to Mount Hyjal and take the portal to Bel’ameth underneath Nordrassil.
Hopefully this will help you find the new content for patch 10.2.5 and start having fun in Dragonflight.
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