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DiscussionFeb 8, 2024 8:00 am CT

What are you looking forward to in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2?

The launch of World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2 is upon us and where Phase 1 was more of a slow introduction to a familiar-yet-new Azeroth, Phase 2 kicks things up a notch. The level range for this phase is 25 to 40 range which is the start of the WoW Classic’s mid-game where levelling slows down and you need to work a bit harder to progress. There are new things to do in Phase 2 like Gnomeregan, which has been re-designed as a 10-player raid, and there are new runes you can find to assist you along the way. But there’s one particular activity I’m looking forward to in Phase 2: the new Blood Moon PVP event in Stranglethorn Vale.

For those who may be unaware, the Blood Moon is a new event that turns the Stranglethorn Vale into a free-for-all PVP zone for 30 minutes, regardless of faction allegiance. I’ve never been drawn to most types of PVP modes and when I do jump into PVP, it’s usually solo, so I naturally prefer a free-for-all setting over small or large team activities. Stranglethorn Vale doubles as a huge zone full of quests to level and one of the main travel hub between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, which makes it arguably the best zone to level in between 30 and 40. This is what makes the Blood Moon event so interesting to me — when the event gets going and faction alliance means almost nothing, it’s going to be madness to account for the potential combatants that could be involved.

I think it also helps that large groups are penalized, creating more parity between solo players and small groups where small groups can still be overwhelmed by a larger number of solo players. The players will then have to deal with each other after but that’s all part of the fun to me. The WoW Classic team also teased a new Fel Reaver type of enemy that indiscriminately hunts all participants because it just wouldn’t be a true free-for-all if the environment didn’t try to kill you too.

That’s what I’m looking forward to most in Season of Discovery Phase 2 right now, what about you — has anything particularly interesting caught your eye?

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