The Queue: Bah Humbug.

I am extremely grumpy today, mostly because I’ve come down with my third communicable illness since the start of the year. I got all my seasonal shots and take vitamins and exercise and eat right, but that won’t stop germs, I guess.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we’ll pop your balloon.
Will you eat a paczek or paczkis?
Well, I am now!
Easy one: What was the first mount you ever got in WoW?
Mine was one of the blood elf birds, as a blood elf hunter was the first character I ever got to 40, back during BC. I think I went with the red one, because back then they were so expensive and took up bag space so having more than one was a luxury on multiple levels.
The Pinto. I liked his speckles!
My favorite was always the original Palomino. I was extremely upset — and remain upset to this day! — that I haven’t been able to snag him, ever. I’m hopeful maybe we’ll get some kind of OG low-res themed Tendies version, eventually. The armored one doesn’t count.
Q4tQ What one change for Hunters would you like to see in The War Within?
Is it too mean to say, “add quivers”? I usually only transmog Thas’doral because I think it’s only appropriate that my Hunter has a quiver, and that’s pretty much my only option as far as that goes.
One thing I’d kinda like to see across the board is the divorcing of class and subclass aesthetics from specs and functionality. My headcanon for my Hunter is that she (and her bestie Rutherford B. Hayes) is a rugged outdoorsperson. She was always ill at ease with the pageantry and courtly decorum of Silvermoon City. She’s a tracker, a forager, a friend to animals who wants to sleep under the stars… and yet, I absolutely loathe playing melee, so the aesthetic inherently tied to the Survival Hunter is out. And with her backstory in mind, I can’t help but also reflexively — perhaps too hastily — really dislike the Dark Ranger Hero Class archetype presented in the class preview blog, but I’ve always liked playing Marks.
This has always been an issue, more strongly for some classes and specs than others, like the pirate theme linked to only Outlaw Rogues, or the bizarre disconnect between Shadow Priests and the boilerplate Priest narrative in the Legion Order Hall. Maybe I want my Monk to be a teetotaler, but still want to tank.
Why do you think Blizzard has refused to add a profession knowledge catch up so far?
I think if we do see one, it’ll probably be in the space between patches 10.1.7 and 11.0. Eventually stuff like this is usually made somewhat easier, so people can go back and get old recipes without too much of a hassle, but they can’t let you catch up too early or you’re gonna stop logging in. At this point, they still want you on that grind, to hunt down those new sources of knowledge, doing your dailies, crafting random stuff you don’t actually need (but might be able to sell on the AH, or at least dust or something).
Is there a topic you could just speak 5 minutes about? Dictate it into the phone, should add to about 900 words. Easy Queue article.
Right now I’m prepping my garden and containers for spring and starting seeds, so that would probably be the easiest. This year I’m planting a whole bunch of stuff my son requested, so I don’t know that it’ll actually grow well in my area, or for my setup. I’m trying a bunch of heirlooms from the South this year, so hopefully things will thrive. I always want to grow things like Black Krim, until I realized that the reason it’s called Krim is because it was originated in the Crimean peninsula, which is well and good, but that’s a slightly different set of growing conditions to Atlanta. Same with Dr Wychy’s tomatoes, because he was doing his work in Upstate NY. No wonder those croak in the heat! So this year I selected a lot of seeds like the Seminole Pumpkin, which is a hard winter squash developed in Florida, so it’s going to be a lot more resistant to the stuff I have to grapple with, like powdery mildew and rust.
The one I’m most curious about is the pea variety I’m starting, because it’s already going almost as gangbusters as my marigold seedlings, but I also need to add compost to the containers I’m using to grow them. I’m hopeful I’ll get some kind of harvest, because peas are pretty famously prone to dying off when it gets a little too warm.
The only thing I didn’t get that he really wanted was popcorn, because in order to grow any type of corn, you need a relatively sizable plot of land devoted to corn plants because of how corn is pollinated. Unfortunately, while a lot of other vegetable plants are either pretty or just plain interesting to look at, corn just looks like corn, so I’m pretty sure the neighbors would be unhappy with a random corn patch in the front yard.
I’m also chaos sowing a whole bunch of random flowers in between the veg, so I’m hoping that’ll help. I kept a lot of zinnias and marigolds from last year, plus I got some cosmos, alyssum, and nasturtium, both as trap crops and to attract pollinators. I’m super excited for a flower we can eat, too! You know, other than broccoli, which I’ll be sowing sometime in August and harvest all winter, because my zone is super wonky.
…is that enough yet, you think?
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