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The QueueFeb 29, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: Mornings

Lately pretty much every morning has felt like waking up with a mind flayer tadpole, so I figured I’d embrace it. It’s the Queue. I’m kind of splitting my time between Faerun and Sanctuary lately — yes, I’m that one guy who likes Diablo 4 pretty much just as much as when it launched — and I won’t lie, there’s some cognitive dissonance.

Luckily, I tend to do Dark Urge origins and those are a fair bit more… shall we say sanguine? It makes it easier to leap between them when I go from giant barbarian soaked in blood to giant barbarian soaked in blood, I guess.


Possibly Q4tQ: Do Outland, Draenor, and Aegus have spirit healers?

If they do, how’d they get there, being former Val’kyr? (I recognize the possible answer is ‘um, they didn’t think about that’)

Why wouldn’t they have spirit healers? We meet people from other planets — including a Night Warrior of Elune, Thiernax, who came from the planet Fyzandi.

The Shadowlands aren’t an Azeroth-only thing, they’re a plane of existence. The Kyrian could easily show up on Draenor, Outland, Argus… any world you want to name like Xoroth or the ones from the Legion Invasion Points could have Spirit Healers.


The more I read about the Hero Talents, the less excited I am about them. It seems like a redundant system. All of that stuff could’ve been integrated into the current Talent System. For your average Player, it also creates just another layer of unintuitive system knowledge you need to have, and in most cases, it’s not something you’ll really feel through gameplay, only see after through logs. It all seems like a whole lotta investment into something completely unnecessary, but they are at the point of feeling they’ve got too much invested in it, to just bite the bullet and remove it, like a tumor.

Maybe I just don’t get it, but it all seems like another unnecessarily complex Rent-A-Power System, like we had in Legion, BfA and Shadowlands.

Honestly, I think the way we get all hyped up for something like Hero Talents, then we get worked up over something about them we don’t like literally months or even years before the thing even comes out has to be dialed back a few notches.

It’s fine to feel like something isn’t what you want it to be, but for myself, I’m going to sit back a bit and not go on a long this is all the ways I’m mad that you can’t be a Colossus Fury Warrior until I get a chance to at least play the game on a beta or something first.


Q4tQ: What do you think of the Colossus hero talent tree?

I’m mad I didn’t get to make the Piotr Nikolayevich Rasputin joke first, frankly. We should be able to turn into Osmium Steel.

Otherwise I’m quietly excited (but trying not to get too hyped up, see my previous answer about Hero Talents — that’s right, this Queue has continuity between questions) about the direction of Warrior Hero Talents.


Given how many people are into transmog and collecting appearances for their mounts and all things visual, I wonder why Blizzard feels so compelled to use the hero talents, for example, for power. I think it would be completely fun if hero talents just changed spell effect colors or casting animations. (I might not call them hero talents in that case though.) In the same way, I thought covenants should have been aesthetic only.

Yet more continuity between questions!

The thing is, while I love the idea of cosmetic talents, we have to remember one salient point — the majority of World of Warcraft players do not play the game the same way people like us do.

The fact that we’re here, on a Blizzard fansite, means we’re already significantly more invested in WoW than the majority of players, and we’re more likely to care about things like transmog, character customization and cool cosmetic options. As much as I personally would love, say, a talent in the Colossus tree that just made you turn into metal, most players would not take it.

One of my absolute favorite parts of the game is the growing sophistication in terms of character creation options — new hairstyles, more detailed avatars, options like scars. But for a lot of players, they don’t even get to see their character that often and they don’t really care.


Q4TQ: How will you greet Leap Day William?

With extreme skepticism and a definite distrust for his potential Deep One origins.


Q4tQ What are you looking forward to playing in March?

Unless a genie shows up and grants me three wishes, I can’t even afford new games. So it’s gonna be BG3, Cyberpunk and Diablo 4 for the foreseeable future.

I mean, maybe I should make a list of games I would like to get and see if random strangers will buy them for me. So here’s a few I’m looking at.

  • Outcast: A New Beginning
  • Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Collection 
  • Dragon’s Dogma 2

But yeah, financially speaking, medical stuff is a way bigger priority atm.

I swear, this game just gets me.

That was the Queue that was, I’ll see you all in March, take care and don’t let the Deep Ones drag you underwater to die this Leap Day.

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Filed Under: Innsmouth

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