How to get bags in WoW Classic — including Classic Hardcore Solo Self-Found mode

Bag space is a precious commodity in WoW Classic, but bags aren’t as easy to come by as in retail WoW. If you’re lucky, you can get them randomly as loot, but most players will probably purchase bags or commission a Tailor. And for WoW Classic Hardcore’s Solo Self-Found mode, it can be even more difficult to find bags since you can’t buy them on the Auction House or trade with a tailor.
Here, we list every single bag according to where you can find them, which will hopefully save you time so you can focus on more important things — like farming those levels.
Every bag you can craft in WoW Classic
Crafted bags are probably the easiest to get ahold of, especially if you’re a Tailor or are friends with one. For everyone else, many Tailors will hawk their skills in cities and make bags in exchange for your materials. Save your cloth from leveling! Tailors are happy to take your cloth to make you a bag because they get profession skill points. You can also check the Auction House for Tailors’ offerings or random bag drops. Tailoring has the majority of craft-able bags, but Leatherworkers can make one small bag as well.
If you’re playing WoW Classic Hardcore Solo Self-Found, you’ll only be able to make these with the appropriate profession, so it may be worth leveling Tailoring until you can kit yourself out with silk bags, at least.
Here are the craftable bags in WoW Classic:
- 6-slot bags
- Linen Bag: 3 Bolt of Linen Cloth and 3 Coarse Thread
- Red Linen Bag: 4 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 1 Fine Thread, 1 Red Dye
- Kodo Hide Bag: (Leatherworking) 3 Thin Kodo Leather, 4 Light Leather, 1 Coarse Thread
- 8-slot bags
- Woolen Bag: 3 Bolt of Woolen Cloth and 1 Fine Thread
- Green Woolen Bag: 4 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 1 Green Dye, 1 Fine Thread
- Red Woolen Bag: 4 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 1 Red Dye, 1 Fine Thread
- 10-slot bag
- Small Silk Pack: 3 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 2 Heavy Leather, 3 Fine Thread
- 12-slot bags
- Mageweave Bag: 4 Bolt of Mageweave and 2 Silken Thread
- Red Mageweave Bag: 4 Bolt of Mageweave, 2 Red Dye, 2 Heavy Silken Thread
- 14-slot bag
- Runecloth Bag: 5 Bolt of Runecloth, 2 Rugged Leather, 2 Rune Thread
- 16-slot bag
- Mooncloth Bag: 4 Bolt of Runecloth, 1 Mooncloth, 1 Rune Thread
- 18-slot bag
- Bottomless Bag: 8 Bolt of Runecloth, 12 Mooncloth, 2 Large Brilliant Shard, 2 Core Leather, 2 Rune Thread
All the cloth you get while leveling can be turned into bolts of cloth to make bags. If you’re collecting cloth to give to a Tailor, here are the conversion points from straight cloth into bolts.
- 2 Linen Cloth = Bolt of Linen Cloth
- 3 Wool Cloth = Bolt of Woolen Cloth
- 4 Silk Cloth = Bolt of Silk Cloth
- 5 Mageweave Cloth = Bolt of Mageweave
- 5 Runecloth = Bolt of Runecloth
Every bag earned from questing in WoW Classic
Select quests will also offer bags as a rewards, which will be a mainstay for Solo Self-Found players. Look for these quests out for a free bag:
- Old Blanchy’s Feed Pouch: 4 -slot bag from Poor Old Blanchy in Westfall (Alliance)
- Handmade Leather Bag: 4-slot bag from from Carry Your Weight in Durotar (Horde)
- Wizbang’s Gunnysack: 6-slot bag from Buzzbox 525 in Darkshore (Alliance)
- Jewelry Box: 6-slot bag contained in A Small Container of Gems from Blueleaf Tubers in Razorfen Kraul (Horde)
- Captain Sander’s Booty Bag: 8-slot bag from Captain Sander’s Hidden Treasure in Westfall
- Gunnysack of the Night Watch: 10-slot bag from The Night Watch in Duskwood (Alliance)
- Ooze-covered Bag: 10-slot bag from Digging Through the Ooze in Wetlands (Alliance)
- Deviate Hide Pack: 10-slot bag from Deviate Hides in Wailing Caverns
- Explorer’s Knapsack: 14-slot bag from Cortello’s Riddle in Stranglethorn Vale/Dustwallow Marsh
- Thawpelt Sack: 14-slot bag from The Platinum Discs in Uldaman
- Demon Hide Sack: 16-slot bag from You Are Rakh’likh, Demon in Blasted Lands/Swamp of Sorrows
- Supply Bag: 18-slot bag from turning in Superior Armaments of Battle quests for Argent Dawn
Every bag you can purchase from a vendor in WoW Classic
You can also find a few select bags from vendors, but they can be pricey. However, the cost may be worth it if you’re desperate for more storage space:
- Small Brown Pouch: 6-slot bag sold by General Goods vendors for ~5 silver (also a random drop)
- Brown Leather Satchel: 8-slot bag sold by General Goods vendors for ~25 silver
- Heavy Brown Bag: 10-slot bag sold by General Goods vendors for ~2 gold
- Huge Brown Sack: 12-slot bag sold by Bag Vendors for ~10 gold
Bags that drop from mobs in WoW Classic
If you’re low on money or don’t have the mats to get bags crafted, you can try your luck at farming mobs for random drops. Random drops will take time (and luck), but some named mobs consistently drop bags. Here’s where to look:
World drops from mobs or chests
- 6-slot bags (level 1-17): Small Brown Pouch, Small Red Pouch, Small Green Pouch, Small Blue Pouch, Small Black Pouch
- 8-slot bags (level 9-25): White Leather Bag, Red Leather Bag, Green Leather Bag, Blue Leather Bag
- 10-slot bags (level 19-32): Large Brown Sack, Large Red Sack, Large Green Sack, Large Blue Sack
- 12-slot bags (level 30-49): Large Knapsack
- 14-slot bags (level 39-60): Journeyman’s Backpack, Troll-hide Bag
- 16-slot bags (level 47-60): Traveler’s Backpack, Pumpkin Bag (only during Hallow’s End)
Named drops
- Old Moneybag: 6-slot bag from Tharm <Wind Rider Master> in Stonetalon Mountains
- Gnoll Hide Sack: 8-slot bag from Fedfennel in Elwynn Forest
- Snakeskin Bag: 10-slot bag from Lady Anacondra in Wailing Caverns
- Murloc Skin Bag: 10-slot bag from Gelihast in Blackfathom Deeps
- Large Rucksack: 10-slot bag from Foe Reaper 4000 in Westfall
- Fel Steed Saddlebags: 10-slot bag from Fel Steed in Shadowfang Keep (unique-equip)
- Sturdy Lunchbox: 12-slot bag from Venture Co. Foreman in Stranglethorn Vale
- Wayfarer’s Knapsack: 16-slot bag from Ribbly Screwspigot in Blackrock Depths
- Traveler’s Backpack: 16-slot bag from Arena Treasure Chest in Stranglethorn Vale
- Panther Hide Sack: 18-slot bag from High Priestess Arlokk in Zul’Gurub
- Onyxia Hide Backpack: 18-slot bag from Onyxia
All the unique and special bags in WoW Classic
Since bag space is quite prized, some professions or classes feel burdensome with the amount of materials they need you to store. The solution to this is special bags that can only hold a certain type of item. These are much larger bags, but the trade off for having much more space is that your “general” space pool is more limited.
- Herb Pouch: 12-slot bag sold by Herbalism Suppliers near Herbalism Trainers in cities for ~10 silver
- Cenarion Herb Bag: 20-slot bag from Tailoring (5 Bolt of Runecloth, 10 Purple Lotus, 8 Morrowgrain, 2 Rune Thread)
- Satchel of Cenarius: 24-slot bag from Tailoring (6 Bolt of Runecloth, 2 Mooncloth, 1 Black Lotus, 4 Ironweb Spider Silk)
Enchanting materials
- Enchanted Mageweave Pouch: 16-slot bag from Tailoring (4 Bolt of Mageweave, 4 Vision Dust, 2 Heavy Silken Thread)
- Enchanted Runecloth Bag: 20-slot bag from Tailoring (5 Bolt of Runecloth, 2 Greater Eternal Essence, 2 Rune Thread)
- Big Bag of Enchantment: 24-slot bag from Tailoring (6 Bolt of Runecloth, 4 Large Brilliant Shard, 4 Enchanted Leather, 4 Ironweb Spider Silk)
Warlock Soul Shards
Warlocks have to farm up Soul Shards for many of their spells, leaving limited bag space. These bags can really come in handy in maximizing your Soul Shard storage.
- Small Soul Pouch: 12-slot bag rewarded from The Binding Warlock quest
- Box of Souls: 16-slot bag from The Binding Warlock quest
- Soul Pouch: 20-slot bag from Tailoring (6 Felcloth, 4 Rugged Leather, 2 Ichor of Undeath, 1 Rune Thread)
- Felcloth Bag: 24-slot bag from Tailoring (12 Felcloth, 6 Enchanted Leather, 2 Dark Rune, 4 Ironweb Spider Silk)
- Core Felcloth Bag: 28-slot bag from Tailoring (20 Felcloth, 16 Core Leather, 8 Bloodvine, 4 Essence of Fire, 4 Ironweb Spider Silk)
Ammo and Quivers
Hunters have it rough. They alone have to hold ammunition for their weapons. However, these bags make up for it by adding a bonus to ranged attack speed when equipped (unfortunately they do not stack if you have multiple equipped). Those who use guns store their bullets in Ammo bags, while those with bows and crossbows store arrows in Quivers.
Ammo bags
- Small Shot Pouch: 8-slot bag, sold by Weapon vendors for ~10 silver
- Small Leather Ammo Pouch: 8-slot bag from Leatherworking (3 Light Leather, 4 Coarse Thread)
- Hunting Ammo Sack: 10-slot bag from Vyrin’s Revenge in Loch Modan (Alliance)
- Bandolier of the Night Watch: 12-slot bag from The Night Watch in Duskwood (Alliance)
- Heavy Leather Ammo Pouch: 14-slot bag from Leatherworking (8 Heavy Leather, 2 Fine Thread)
- Thick Leather Ammo Pouch: 16-slot bag from Leatherworking (10 Thick Leather, 1 Cured Thick Hide, 1 Elixir of Greater Defense, 6 Silken Thread)
- Ribbly’s Bandolier: 16-slot bag drop from Ribbly Screwspigot in Blackrock Depths
- Gnoll Skin Bandolier: 16-slot bag sold by Stormpike and Frostwolf Clan Supply Officers at Revered (Thanthaldis Snowgleam/Gaelden Hammersmith and Jekyll Flandring/Grunnda Wolfheart)
- Light Quiver: 6-slot bag sold by Weapon Merchants for ~4 copper
- Small Quiver: 8-slot bag sold by Weapon vendors for ~1 silver
- Light Leather Quiver: 8-slot bag from Leatherworking (4 Light Leather, 2 Coarse Thread)
- Medium Quiver: 10-slot bag sold by Weapon vendors for ~10 silver
- Hunting Quiver: 10-slot bag from Vyrin’s Revenge in Loch Modan (Alliance)
- Quiver of the Night Watch: 12-slot bag from The Night Watch in Duskwood (Alliance)
- Heavy Quiver: 14-slot bag from Leatherworking (8 Heavy Leather, 2 Fine Thread), also sold by Weapon Merchants for ~20 silver
- Quickdraw Quiver: 16-slot bag from Leatherworking (12 Thick Leather, 1 Cured Thick Hide, 1 Elixir of Agility, 4 Silken Thread)
- Ribbly’s Quiver: 16-slot bag drop from Ribbly Screwspigot in Blackrock Depths
- Harpy Hide Quiver: 16-slot bag sold by Stormpike and Frostwolf Clan Supply Officers at Revered (Thanthaldis Snowgleam/Gaelden Hammersmith and Jekyll Flandring/Grunnda Wolfheart)
- Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina: 18-slot bag from Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
Now go forth and get your bags!
Originally published September 5, 2019; updated March 4, 2024
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