The Queue: I’m indifferent towards humans

It doesn’t matter if you wanna take ’em or leave ’em, we’re stuck with ’em. Humans are everywhere: surrounding us in real life, but also a dominating option in video games, movies, and books. There is simply no escaping humanity, so you have to accept it.
I am in fact so indifferent to humanity, that I wasn’t even going to discuss it until rjagoda suggested I should. So here you have it, the final word for Friday.
Q4tQ Which four characters are you thinking you’ll display around the campfire in TWW?
Whichever ones have the best transmog. That should be a given, right?
My paladin, for sure, she’s been a mainstay for a long time; I rolled her in TBC, though I’ve taken breaks in between. Probably my monk, a little baby gnome I played for a long time as well, even though gnomes can look very odd in transmogs due to their proportions. I have a (not max level) vulpera warrior who is very adorable, has one torn ear, and looks good in a hat. Fourth, I don’t know. I’m not very much of an alt person, so this last one really will have to be based on aesthetics.
What’s your favorite new area in the Alpha? Anything super visually striking?
I really like the capitol city, Dornogal. It’s more spread out than Valdrakken, which I like — not spread out so much as Dazar’alor (which was a very beautiful city that was frustrating to navigate), but with defined areas for different things that have a bit of distance between them. Valdrakken has so much of the city crammed into one tiny area full of people, and it can be a frame rate crush to hearth there.
But mostly it feels different. It’s not that I dislike Valdrakken, but I welcome the new vibe that is Khaz Algar. Dornogal has a Dwarven style that feels sturdy, well-established, grounded. It doesn’t have the spires you’ll see in Valdrakken or Dalaran, but it’s grand all the same.
However, most zones aren’t open yet and I haven’t had much time to play yet, so this is simply an initial impression.
qftq: have blizz said something about the date of the pandamonium ™?
Not as such, but the login screen in on the PTR currently mentions it will start a week after patch 10.2.7. We don’t have a date for patch 10.2.7 either, but our prediction is May 14, which would put WoW Remix at May 21. We could be off by a week in any direction, but with the content cadence on the roadmap we can’t be that far off: expect the patch and event around mid-May.
How surprised should I be that Blizzard has no comments about shaman and only have one hero tree available for testing?
It really surprises me that we haven’t seen all of specs yet. We’re in alpha and some specs still don’t have any hero talents. Of course testing has to start somewhere, but I would still expect to see something by this point. For Shaman, the Farseer tree is all there is; the other two trees display as trees, but every icon is a placeholder and none of the talents have information.
I don’t expect perfect in an alpha, but it would be nice to see something.
However, I am a big believer in not stressing (at least not too much) over content at this point. Watch what’s happening, provide your feedback and concerns. Anything can change. Perhaps this longer lead time means the additional Shaman trees will be well thought-out and polished — as opposed to the early release of Lightsmith Paladin, a tree that adds a new fussy buff to micromanage in a class that’s already overburdened with fussy buffs to micromanage. (I mean, okay, I’m supposed to place this buff, which rotates between two buffs, on the ground, and someone has to walk through it to activate it? And to make the most of it, I need to cast it once every 30 seconds? With a spec that’s already overloaded with cooldowns and GCD starved? Mkay, yeah, so what’s the other spec I can play?) I haven’t heard much in the way of positive feedback about that one, but I love the concept of it and there’s certainly still hope that it will get revisions before release. Shaman, maybe, will start in a good place and just get better from community feedback.
But even with that optimistic outlook on the situation, it would be nice to have something. Give us a place to start.
And that is all for today my friends. Please look after yourselves and do your best to have a good afternoon and a better weekend. I’ll see you in the comments and I’ll be back with another Queue next week.
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