The Queue: Humans are stinky

There was an evil computer program once that remarked upon the smell, and I think they were on the right track. Maybe I don’t want to eradicate humanity entirely, but I certainly want to eradicate the people who decide that they don’t need to wear deodorant while they’re out and about!
While I invest in more nose plugs, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ: Do you think they’ll triple plunder for the last week of Plunderstorm?
I hope so!
I think that they’d make a lot of people really happy and sad at the same time if they did that. There’d be the people who would be sad that they could’ve spent less time in the Plunderstorm if they waited, whether out of efficiency’s sake or they just didn’t like the game mode — faster is better! There’d also be the people who were going to give up and not push to finish their renown track, but with the promise of triple points, maybe playing a little extra Plunderstorm would be a good thing.
Then there are the people still trying to get the Plunderkind Feat of Strength, and I bet they’d be ecstatic. That’s a silly thing to grind for, especially with no reward, but I could see Blizzard doing what they could to help get a few more players to their million points.
Q4tQ: Why am I not hearing more woo-hoos for half-elfy ears on humans? Because I think that’s pretty bitchin’ rad.
If a Human is a Half-Elf does that make them less stinky?
It might just be that there has been so much information that dropped with the launch of The War Within’s alpha that any sort of new character creation options have gotten buried beneath things like Delves getting you a customizable flying machine, how Dynamic flight will work, the fact that yes Warband is just a fancy way of saying account-wide, or Dracthyr getting to be more classes than just Evokers.
And that’s just four of the most recent articles we have on just TWW! There’s still all of the Remix: Mists of Pandaria information out there too!
I didn’t even know that Humans were getting new ear options until this very question!
Q4tQ: It seems like Blizz is going to slowly roll out customization for the warbands screen. What zone / biome would you like to see featured as the warband background?
I must be weird and not spending a lot of time sitting on the character select screen because I don’t get the super-hype around getting to see four of your characters around a campfire. I’m not poo-pooing it, but much like Ben and Lil’ Sebastian, I just don’t understand.
That being said, the obvious choices to me are:
- Major cities — let your characters assemble in front of Orgrimmar and Stormwind
- Legion Class Halls — Sure Death Knights might look out of place in the Dreamgrove, but also there are lots of players out there who have multiple Warriors on the same shard.
- Shadowlands Covenants — Let your characters spend their time waiting around in Revendreth attending fancy parties between leveling jaunts!
- Boats and Airships — The wind in your hair as your characters sail/fly around Azeroth
- Raid final boss rooms — There’s a big throne in a lot of final boss rooms, your main could sit in that throne with your other characters as bodyguards!
Just so long as I don’t have to go back to the Argent Tournament and farm up more jousting tokens to unlock a tournament background for my Warband.
Q4TQ: Since the embellishment system seems to be carrying over into TWW, would you make any changes to the system? If so, how?
I like the current crafting system basically as is. There’s not much I’d change beyond some quality-of-life fixes, some of which have already been introduced like NPCs placing crafting orders.
That being said there are a pair of things that I’d like to see change with embellishments.
- For the love of the Titans, don’t make crafters have to visit a specific location/table/altar to make things. Or at least if the developers are really insistent on the flavor of a special item only being able to be made at a super-duper special place — make that a place out in the world and not at the end of a dungeon!!!
- Better embellishment balancing is key. There were a lot of potential embellishments, but most never managed to be competitive against a pair of Toxic Thorn boots and a Toxic Patch that increased the damage from the boots, at least for tanking. I’d like to see underperforming embellishments brought up to stronger levels so that there’s more of a choice in what you put onto your gear.
I also really hope that there’s another Flavor Pocket in War Within. That has been so nice for just the peace of mind that I don’t mind the cost it require in the slightest.
This is your last vault for the season! Bacardi certainly hasn’t been distracted by any other games…
Surely, he’ll come back to bless your vault, but it wouldn’t hurt to leave a trail of treats to the computer…
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Make Your Own Kind of Music
Have an excellent week everyone, I hope your teams win in their respective playoffs! Remember that you can win too if you leave Anna with lots of questions for tomorrow.
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