All of the special rewards from WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria achievements
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria will see players return to Pandaria’s shores in a new leveling experience. While there are a lot of collectibles that can be purchased with the special Bronze currency, a few choice items are behind achievements. While some of these achievements mirror those in the live game, they must be completed on a Timerunner during WoW Remix to get credit. Here’s what they are and how to get them.
The easiest reward granted by achievement to earn will be the August Phoenix, a recolor of a mount previously only available to those who completed Challenge Mode Silver during Mists of Pandaria. This is rewarded by Time Trial — level a character to 20. Since characters start at 10 and leveling is fast expect to see a lot of these right away.
Reaching level 70 will earn you the Timerunner achievement and the title Timerunner to use on your characters.
Pandaria zone achievements and their rewards
Each of the zones of Pandaria — including Landfall (the patch 5.1 area located in southern Krasarang Wilds) and the Isle of Thunder — have an award for completing select achievements. The meta-achievement for each zone has options, so you can tailor your gameplay as you see fit to earn them. It’s important to note that the Landfall and Isle of Thunder meta-achievements are required to unlock Ensemble rewards that you can purchase with Bronze.
Jade Forest
Complete two of these achievements:
- Campaign: The Jade Forest — complete all storylines in the zone
- Order of the Cloud Serpent — reach Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent faction
- Tour the Jade Forest — find two hidden treasures, defeat three Rare enemies, and explore the entire zone
- Looking for Group: The Jade Forest — complete the scenarios Greenstone Village and A Brewing Storm and the dungeon Temple of the Jade Serpent
Reward: Cherry Blossom Trail toy
Krasarang Wilds
Complete one of these achievements:
- Campaign: Krasarang Wilds — complete all of the original release storylines in the zone
- Tour Krasarang Wilds — find one hidden treasure, defeat three Rare enemies, and explore the entire zone
Reward: Chen Stormstout’s Keg cloak transmog
Valley of the Four Winds
Complete two of these achievements:
- Campaign: Valley of the Four Winds — complete all storylines in the zone
- Tour Valley of the Four Winds — find one hidden treasure, defeat three Rare enemies, and explore the entire zone
- Looking for Group: Valley of the Four Winds — defeat the world boss Salyis’s Warband (aka Galleon) and complete the dungeon Stormstout Brewery
Reward: Halfhill Farmer’s Backpack cloak transmog
Kun-Lai Summit
Complete two of these achievements:
- Campaign: Kun-Lai Summit — complete all storylines in the zone
- Tour Kun-Lai Summit — find three hidden treasures, defeat three Rare enemies, and explore the entire zone
- Looking for Group: Kun-Lai Summit — defeat the world boss Sha of Anger and complete the raid Mogu’shan Vaults (on LFR or higher difficulty), the scenarios Brewmoon Festival, Crypt of Forgotten Kings, and Arena of Annihilation, and the dungeon Shado-Pan Monastery
Reward: Chen Stormstout’s Bamboo Hat, available as a head and cloak transmog
Townlong Steppes
Complete two of these achievements:
- Campaign: Townlong Steppes — complete all storylines in the zone
- Shado-Pan — reach Exalted with the Shado-Pan
- Tour Townlong Steppes — find two hidden treasures, defeat three Rare enemies, and explore the entire zone
- Looking for Group: Townlong Steppes — complete the scenario Assault on Zan’vess and the dungeon Siege of Niuzao Temple
Reward: Muskpaw Calf pet
Dread Wastes
Complete one of these achievements:
- Campaign: Dread Wastes — complete all storylines in the zone
- The Klaxxi — reach Exalted with the Klaxxi
- Tour Dread Wastes — defeat three Rare enemies and explore the entire zone
Reward: Sha Corruption illusion
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Complete two of these achievements:
- Elusive Foes: Vale of Eternal Blossoms — defeat three Rare enemies
- Golden Lotus — reach Exalted with the Golden Lotus
- The August Celestials — reach Exalted with the August Celestials
- Looking for Group: Vale of Eternal Blossoms — complete the raid Terrace of Endless Spring (on LFR or higher difficulty) and the dungeons Mogu’shan Palace, Scarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery, and Scholomance
Reward: Astral Emperor’s Serpent mount
Complete two of these achievements:
- Campaign: Landfall — complete the full campaign as either Horde or Alliance
- Elusive Foes: Landfall — defeat the three champions of the opposing faction
- Operation: Shieldwall — reach Exalted with Operation Shieldwall (Alliance)
- Dominance Offensive — reach Exalted with Dominance Offensive (Horde)
Reward: Class Armor Ensemble for the character completing it (unlocks the ability to purchase for other classes with Bronze)
Isle of Thunder
Complete one of these achievements:
- Campaign: Isle of Thunder — complete the full campaign as either Alliance or Horde
- Elusive Foes: Isle of Thunder — defeat three rare enemies
- Looking for Group: Isle of Thunder — defeat the world bosses Nalak and Oondosta, and complete the raid Throne of Thunder on LFR or higher difficulty
Reward: Class Weapon Ensemble for the character completing it (unlocks the ability to purchase for other classes with Bronze)
Timeless Isle
Complete one of these achievements:
- Tour Timeless Isle — find four hidden treasures, defeat three Rare enemies and defeat three Rare Elite enemies
- Emperor Shaohao — reach Exalted with Emperor Shaohao
- Looking for Group: Timeless Isle — defeat the world bosses Chi-ji, Niuzao, Yu’lon, Xuen, and Ordos
Reward: Astral Emperor’s Serpentling pet
You can’t get a Wrathion cloak, but you can get the look
One of the features of ReMists is the Cloak of Infinite Potential, an upgradeable item for your characters that functions like a heirloom. As you gather “threads” to buff your cloak, you’ll unlock achievements along the way.
Reaching 4200 threads grants you the Infinite Power XII achievement which rewards four August Celestial Wings toys, one for each of the original Wrathion cloak effects. The buff lasts for eight hours, and mimics the original cloak by occasionally displaying celestial wings on your back. These toys work with any cloak, and you can use any of the four regardless of your role — for example, healers can show off the Niuzao wings if they so desire.
Two challenging new titles
Finally there are a couple titles provided by WoW Remix achievements for those players that like to earn the toughest rewards:
- <name>, Claw of Eternus — complete all the Pandaria raids on Heroic difficulty
- <name>, Paragon of the Mists — defeat all Siege of Orgrimmar bosses on Mythic difficulty
This is going to take some work…
Acquiring everything from the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria will take a lot of effort, and with so much that can be purchased with Bronze it’s tempting to just focus on those rewards. However there are some desirable collectibles from achievements so players should keep those in mind as they revisit Pandaria.
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