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The QueueMay 30, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: I left my throne a million miles away

I ate all the rest, and now I gotta eat you.

It’s the Queue. I lost my soul when I fell to Earth, and my planets call me to the void of my birth.


Q4tQ So who else is thinking of leveling a rogue in TWW in order to make a cosplay ethereal?

I got my head done when I was young

It’s not my problem.


Okay, this scaling does not feel any better in Remix, I got my human pally to 70, my reward is getting 3 shot by world mobs and one shot by mobs in normal scenarios. Blizzard sure is doing their best to make this not fun…

When it comes to Remix, it seems we can be immortals, but not for long.

Scaling has always been a bear in WoW, and the fast and loose approach of Remix does seem to exacerbate that problem.  In a weird way, WoW Remix feels to me like it’s taking the game and making it almost an ARPG, and while that works for leveling, it has a steep curve at 70.


Had a dream that I was engaged in a game of D&D and we had to decipher dwarven runes in a dungeon. I was like “I know the rune for this and that” then I woke up. First thing I did was check my phone to see if I was right.
I wasn’t. I was wrong on all of them. My dream dungeon group is doomed.

Oh, the misery, your own subconscious wants to be your enemy.

It’s actually pretty cool you can even remember what runes you saw. Many people can’t read at all in their dreams, and those who can tend to be poets, writers, or otherwise people who interact with letters and language a lot.

I often wonder if the fact that the modern era is so textually based will mean more people will be able to read in their dreams.


QftQ: How do y’all combat writer’s (or X creative endeavor) block?

Mostly by prepping heavy for the day to come. But make no mistake, I often have a very hard time with it — between 2007 and 2012 I wrote almost nothing except for posts for WoW Insider. Even to this day I have long stretches where I simply can’t get my brain to engage. It’s quite maddening.


I love it when I see an enemy tank getting focused by heals as they kill me, and then my team asks “Hey why are you dying?” I dunno, because you were powering up the Soldier who has done 1/3 my dmg?

Those healers made a choice that you regret. Unfortunately for them, it’s too late for them to look back. Once you’re dead, they’ve got no way to switch tanks.

I get how you feel, you probably don’t want to play with such a price to pay.


The cold hurts but warms our hearts
Burn out like all the stars
Come out and die with us tonight

I feel a very strong Cataclysm opening with even worse voice acting from the announcement vid. And worse writing, now that I come to think of it. A lot worse. Compare this video, made sometime in either 2023 or 2024, to the original WoW cinematic made in 2004.

I mean, the 20 year old cinematic trailer stomps on the 2023/2024 Tarisland video that is attempting to hype me up for a game coming out next month. It’s not even close.


Q4TQ: do you think the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion might add a World Tier 5 to the game?

It might. I’m not sure if they’d rather rebalance the existing World Tiers, add one or more new World Tier difficulties, or both. Considering that we may be getting a new level cap (previous Diablo expansions have always done do, but with D4 getting two, who knows?) it’s up in the air for me.

Ultimately, while there might be bleeding enough for two in the Diablo 4, I have no sense of security as to what the plan is for the expansions.  Not even holding a blunt instrument.

Okay, that’s the Queue for today. I think I’m gonna go play D4, because

I need a release, take the lid of this jar
My voice seems useless in this situation
Time to take action, release frustration

Be good to each other, everybody.

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