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Discussion > The War WithinMay 31, 2024 8:00 am CT

What are your plans for The War Within beta?

After over a month of alpha testing The War Within finally enters beta next week! The number of players that get into beta testing should be substantially higher — and those who have prepurchased the Epic edition are guaranteed to have access, although not necessarily right away (typically Blizzard sends out the invites in waves). Of course if you’ve been following the alpha you know a lot is already available to be tested, but more players generally means more information discovered and more quirks and bugs found.

I’ll be honest, my participation in the alpha tailed off after the first couple weeks; I blame WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria for all of its fun distractions. As my list of goals in that mode is almost completed now I’ll be able to turn my attention back to The War Within and the new features added during the beta — I’m really hoping the Earthen unlock is added so I know what to make my highest priority once the expansion releases.

The top of my to-do list is the new Story Raid Difficulty, which hopefully will have a testing option alongside the rest of the typical raid testing that occurs during the beta. While I should expect it to be tuned correctly for much smaller groups, the issues with some of the tuning in ReMists has made me hesitant to assume that’ll be the case. And since I anticipate this mode to be insanely popular I want to make sure it’s working as soon as it’s available.

The other aspect of the expansion I plan to more thoroughly test in the beta are the Hero Talents. While they’re still being iterated on by the development team, they seem pretty close to completed. They also weren’t easy to test leveling as the alpha restricted which levels you could be during most weeks. While I won’t have time to test every Hero Talent tree I should be able to play around with those that can be chosen by the first three or four characters I plan to level in The War Within.

What about you? Are you signed up for the beta? What do you plan to test if you do get in? Or do you prefer to let others do the work while you continue leveling characters and collecting items in ReMists?

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Filed Under: The War Within Beta

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