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The War Within > WoWJun 3, 2024 2:30 pm CT

Vaguely threatening Xal’atath narrates latest War Within trailer

Well, this is ominous, but really what can we expect from a void entity that was previously a sentient dagger? But you should probably see Blizzard’s latest World of Warcraft: The War Within trailer for yourself before further editorializing.

Here’s Xal’atath to speak for herself in a new The War Within trailer.

We’re still missing a great deal of the story, and not just because Xal’atath is being cryptic. This trailer takes place after the Dark Heart cinematic, in which Khadgar sent Alleria on the trail of an unknown void artifact. Now we see a redesigned Alleria — who’s shown up in promo art before — with a more void-influenced look, as well as Xal’atath gleefully clutching an artifact.

It’s easy to connect the dots between these two moments: Alleria went looking for an artifact in Xal’atath’s possession, and in the process something happened. And since it inspired a haircut, we can only assume it was something pretty terrible.

Blizzard likely intends to keep the details under wraps until The War Within launches later this year, though we’ve already had some pretty big hints, as The War Within beta opens with us in rubble of a familiar city which appears to have crashed into Khaz Algar, where the expansion takes place. And we have yet to see some key lore figures appear.

The fandom rumor mill will no doubt remain abuzz with ideas until then. I personally look forward to seeing if Blizzard manages to surprise us this expansion, as in this era of datemining, it’s awfully hard to be surprised.

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