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HearthstoneJun 5, 2024 3:00 pm CT

Pinpoint a path to victory in the UnidentifiaBrawl Hearthstone Tavern Brawl

It’s time once again for the Hearthstone UnidentifiBrawl Tavern Brawl, which packs your deck with mystery cards. Oh the excitement of watching those last few percentage points tick away from the boss’ heath bar. The sheer anticipation of the wonderful loot. Will this be the kill where your precious object of desire drops? You never know quite what you’ll get. It’s the same idea with this RNG Tavern Brawl.

Let’s dive in to talk about how to get this week’s pack.

UnidentifiaBrawl Tavern Brawl 101

  • Name: UnidentifiaBrawl
  • Description: After a very successful dungeon run your bags are overflowing with Unidentifiable Loot! Take a random deck into battle and identify those items!
  • Fun level: 4/10
  • Difficulty: 5/10
  • Replayability: 7/10
  • Format: Wild
  • Type: PvP
  • Deck: Provided
  • Rewards: 1 Standard pack  (can contain any card from any set in the current Standard rotation.)

The only choice you have to make in this what class to play. Once you choose your class, you’ll receive a deck of random cards, including several copies of Unidentified Elixir, Unidentified Maul, and Unidentified Shield. The rest of your deck is made up of random class cards and Neutral cards. You’ll see everything from Common cards to Legendary cards.

How to win the UnidentifiaBrawl Tavern Brawl

This is a random Brawl. There’s no getting around that. But while there are many random elements, there’s a bit of strategy that will help you get those wins.

Like many Brawls, tempo is king here. You want to grab control of the board and maintain it with smart trades. A good board presence will make a Blessed Maul (give your minions +1 attack) or a Purifier’s Maul (give your minions Divine Shield) more powerful. Don’t be afraid to equip the Maul to clear an enemy minion even if you have no minions to buff — controlling the board is often worth more than those buffs.

During the mulligan stage, throw back any Unidentified Shield cards. They cost too much mana. Look for high-tempo cards you can play on turns 1 and 2 to set up your Unidentified Elixirs or Unidentified Mauls on turn three. The only high-cost cards I would keep are big tempo swing cards in case you get behind.

The random aspects enable any class to get you the win, but the emphasis on buffs and tempo makes Paladin or Shaman great choices. They can both summon a minion with their Hero Power to buff with your Unidentified cards. Demon Hunter and Rogue are also great choices as premier tempo classes. Death Knight and Demon Hunter both have many class cards with low cost and great tempo.

There’s a ton of life gain from the Unidentified Shield cards. You may not be able to burst down your opponent, so prioritize the board over the face. You have no idea what your opponent might be holding, but make the best decisions you can turn to turn.

Keep on queuing

You’ll still have games where it feels like there was nothing you could to win, but keep queuing and eventually you’ll have a game where it feels like there was no way you could lose, and you’ll get the pack.

Originally published September 3, 2021; last June 6, 2024

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