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Off Topic > Video GamesAug 5, 2024 7:30 pm CT

New documentary will take us back to the beginning of adventure games with the story of Sierra On-Line — now in its last day of crowdfunding

Sierra On-Line was a mainstay in classic adventure games, and a new documentary promises to unravel the story behind the company and its many games. (Side note: the Sierra game library eventually found its way into Activision’s hands, which means it’s now in Microsoft’s hands.) The Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line campaign is in its last 24 hours on Backerkit, and will end on August 6.

The project appears to be doing well: the documentary is fully funded and the first interviews — with Sierra founders Ken and Roberta Williams — have already been recorded. Ken explains that it’s “a story that has good guys, bad guys, and a lot of crazy stuff.” Well, we’ll be the judge of that.

Legends of Adventure is now well over 400% funded, and in addition to the core documentary (now expanded with more interviews), the project also includes a full original soundtrack, a six-part mini-documentary series covering classic Sierra games, and a Legends of Adventure book telling the story of the company.

We’re now into the last day of the campaign if you want to back the project and pre-order the documentary (in digital or physical formats) — but as with most crowdfunding projects there isn’t a hard release date yet.

Originally published July 18, 2024; updated August 5, 2024.

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