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Blizzard > DiscussionAug 5, 2024 8:00 am CT

Which Blizzard property would you use for a whole new type of game?

After news broke this morning about the formation of a new agile team within Microsoft to produce AA-quality games using Blizzard’s existing properties, naturally discussion immediately went to spitballing ideas of what exactly those games would be. It’s no secret that Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft’s gaming division, loves StarCraft and would love to see more of it — is this an opportunity to produce a new real-time strategy in that universe, reboot the vaporware project StarCraft: Ghost, or something new entirely? Are the inexplicable updates to Heroes of the Storm that pop up every few months since the acquisition a sign of a larger revival, or just some dedicated developers who refuse to let a good thing languish and die?

Of course, all the excitement was tempered slightly by the fact that many of the developers attached to this new team seem to be from Activision Blizzard subsidiary King. King is best known, of course, for a whole lot of casual match-3 games and on phones — not exactly the fertile field in which these intellectual properties can flourish and grow. StarCraft Crush SagaZerg MergeOverwatch Rumble? No thank you.

Instead, let’s do a little thinking outside the box. Imagine, ala Gregor Samsa, you have awoken one day to find yourself in the shoes of Phil Spencer. You have the chance to empower this new team at Blizzard to create any game in any of their properties or worlds (and remember — Blizzard has some very old franchises lying dormant at this point). You’re the big boss; take any kind of game, any kind of Blizzard IP, and smash them together into your dream game. I think my favorite idea on this front came straight from Anna Bell in Discord: Forza, but it’s Rock and Roll Racing, and the music is licensed 90s grunge and 00s emo — a concept appealing enough she’d buy a licensed Blizzard steering wheel peripheral to play it. Racing across a racetrack on a meteorite in a tricked-out future monster truck while blasting The Used? Yeah, I’m in.

But what about you? What kind of game would you make, and what Blizzard property would you use to do it?

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