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Overwatch 2Aug 14, 2024 12:45 pm CT

Overwatch 2 Season 12 is starting August 20, adding support hero Juno to the roster

Overwatch 2 is blasting off into season 12 — New Frontiers — on August 20, with a preview video showcasing what we can expect, especially astronaut-themed support hero Juno. We also get a taste of other fun stuff, like the new Clash map mode, flagship cosmetics featured in the battle pass, and the events and game modes we can expect for a limited time through this season, which we’ll expect to end just before Halloween.

Besides Juno, the banner addition for this season is the new Clash game mode. Initially announced — and explained — at BlizzCon 2023, Clash is a spiritual successor to the old Assault map type, and it has revived two old maps from that mode we haven’t seen since they added the two to the title. While Hanaoka isn’t Hanamura, and Throne of Anubis isn’t Temple of Anubis, they’re close enough to hit us square in the nostalgia for the bygone era that was 2016. This season will also see the return of the Overwatch 2 Anniversary event, where we usually get a chance to play a whole slew of limited-time Arcade modes and some truly imaginative cosmetics in the shop, likely toward the end of the season, celebrating Overwatch 2‘s second birthday October 4.

This season will also see a reset of the ranking system, which will make for some interesting matchmaking early on, but hopefully a fairer-feeling ranking later in the season.

Of course, we knew much of this already, so while it’s nice to see the showcase, it’s nothing to grip your pearls over. On the other hand, at the very end of the teaser, we see a brief shot of Frostmourne, while a short clip of the iconic Arthas, My Son track plays in the background. Instantly, my interest went from, “that’s nice, dear,” to “wait what,” so if you have any inside tips on this please let me know. The suspense is killing me, and I’m too busy have my soul trapped in a runeblade at this point in the patch cycle.

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