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HearthstoneSep 17, 2024 8:00 am CT

Nine things you could buy with $60 instead of a Ragnaros Hearthstone Hero skin

The new Hearthstone patch is here, featuring the mini-set for the Perils in Paradise expansion and several new cosmetics hitting the in-game shop. One of those cosmetics is the first Mythic, dual-class hero skin, featuring  the perennial adversary of the heroes of Azeroth, Ragnaros the Firelord, an available for both Shaman and Warlock. It’s a shiny new option for players, who were previously limited to Legendary-quality portraits.

While this won’t confer any actual gameplay advantage, ol’ Rag pops right out of his frame to reach across the entire board and smash opponents with Sulfuras, which is… something to see. This hero portrait, along a handful of Shaman and Warrior card packs, can be yours for just $60.

I think it’s important to step back and realize that $60 is enough to buy entire top-tier video games. As was pointed out on our Discord server, that happens to be just enough money to buy a little game you may have heard of called Baldur’s Gate 3. If you’re in the mood for a shorter experience, indie game (Star Trucker is on sale!), or just something new, you can probably find a few weekend’s worth of titles in our recommendation archives.

If you’re looking to cosplay as Ragnaros in real life instead of within a digital card game, sixty dollars might get you well on your way. High-end sledgehammers might run you quite a bit more, but it wasn’t hard to find one within our price range that would be a suitable base for Sulfuras. Or you could just about buy enough light-up red horns for yourself and the rest of your 40-player Molten Core raid.

September is back-to-school season, so you might need some supplies. You can grab 8,400 sticky notes if you’ve got some conspiracy theorizing to organize (with a bit left over for a few skeins of red yarn). If you’ve got some writing to do, 192 pencils should last through the school year. And of course there’s our standard price point comparison — $60 can get you 21,000 googly eyes.

Anna Bell had her mind on offsetting the spiky flames of the Firelord by bringing more fluffiness into the world — for sixty dollars, you can donate three flocks of fuzzy baby chicks to a family in need. I had the idea of countering Ragnaros with the world’s most expensive mineral water. We can afford an ounce and a half of Fillico, which seems like more than enough to quench the fury of a 70 foot tall fire demigod.

What I am looking forward to is seeing this skin in action on my opponent’s side of the board because of the unique animation that plays when you defeat someone else who is playing as Ragnaros. Just like in our original encounter in the depths of Molten Core, the Firelord evaporates, leaving Sulfuras spinning down to slam into the ground and stick out at a jaunty angle. And just like my transmog runs, watching this animation will not result in the correct Tier 2 pants being added to my appearance wardrobe.

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