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The QueueSep 18, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Starseeker

I like the Starseeker sisters, Aranna the Demon Hunter and Elise the Druid, a lot. We’ve already gotten several cameos by the elder sister in WoW — she’s even in the Delves area in Dornogal right now, as part of the Explorer’s League — but we’ve yet to see Aranna, the younger sister (who really resents Elise’s fame and success) make her WoW debut.

Given how many Hearthstone references WoW is getting lately — Babbling Book! Corridor Creeper! and more — I really hope Aranna shows up eventually to stir up some drama with the Explorer’s League, and Elise in particular.

Now, with or without extra Starseeker presence in our lives, let’s Queue, ladies and gentlemen!


I like the idea of duo delves, i do want Aranna/Elise Starseeker, but i would propose an explosive one; Millhouse/Millificent Manastorm

Just want to say, Aranna and Elise would be PHENOMENAL. They’d be constantly bickering (though this would be mostly one-sided, coming from Aranna), but when things got rough, they’d definitely team up to solve things together. And be secretly happy about it for a few moments, before going back to bickering.

Millhouse and Millificent could be fun too, as long as they had a few more gags than just “husband and wife fighting” (which could get old). Perhaps they could plan crimes or something. Figure out ways to cheat the player out of the delve treasures (plans that’d inevitably ended up failing).


What was the first character ya took through TWW? Mine was my Dracthyr as I was enjoying flying around on them, but now my Alliance Druid is going there. :D

Follow-up Q4tQ: What’s your absolute fave zone in this expansion? I can’t say as I still need to reach one of them, but I like the third one. It’s amazingly beautiful!

My main, the Void Elf Monk. There’s no other option for me! I used to rotate mains, but for about three or so expansions now I’ve settled on the Monk.

Favorite zone? Hallowfall as well (that’s the third one). It’s easily the most unique zone we’ve had in quite a while, with Beledar in the sky, and a top-notch atmosphere. Though I’d also extend an honorable mention to Isle of Dorn, as I quite like its vibe (and Dornogal is one of my favorite main hubs in quite a while).


What’s your favorite zone to quest in TWW?

Probably Isle of Dorn. To be honest, I like all of them, and I don’t really find any aspects about any of them to be too annoying. They’re mostly equal. But Isle of Dorn does have a pretty friendly layout (mostly plains, so no need to navigate around mountains and the like most of the time), and you can quickly and easily get back to Dornogal whenever you need to.


Do you think we’re going to get a Switch 2 announcement before the Tokyo Game Show next week?

I mean, there are some rumors going around that we’d get it this month, but even those aren’t being believed universally. I don’t expect Nintendo to announce anything outside of their own Directs, so I doubt they’ll use Tokyo Game Show for the announcement — thus, unless there’s a surprise Direct before that happens, I’d say chances are slim. (I’d love to be wrong about this, though!)


What do you think kobold candles smell like?

Alternately, if there was a line of WoW-themed scented candles, what would you want and what would they smell like?

1) Slightly sweet and musty. Like earwax.

2) I’d want murloc candles. They’d smell like mint.


What will you do if the Hearthstone events now start doing the weekly quest design/scaling for their quest lines?

I really dislike the weekly model, because — at least based on the one that just ended yesterday — you have fewer quests, but each quest has a much larger requirement. So if a specific quest has a requirement that you don’t like — such as playing a very high number of Pirates, and you’re not fond of playing Pirate decks — that’s gonna suck. With the previous model, with more quests that had smaller requirements, you could get over quests like that more quickly, which was a much better experience in my opinion.

If they change to the new weekly model from now on, all I can do is hope they no longer have any “disruptive” quests like that, and instead choose to have quests that any player can complete by engaging with the game mode with whichever class or deck they want, instead of being forced to play a high number of games with some deck or archetype that they don’t like. But what else can I do? Just shrug and either complete the quests or ignore them, I guess.


Earthen are essentially “progenitor robots who outgrew their creators” in a fantasy setting. What scifi concept/race/culture would u like to see in this high fantasy setting

My favorite “sci-fi into fantasy” concept is the whole “unearthed ruins of a very advanced civilization.” When people find buried machines that are of a much higher technological level, from some civilization that fell to some kind of apocalypse thousands of years ago, and desperately try to harness that technology for themselves despite being utterly clueless as to how it works.

The problem is that WoW has already done that at least twice, with the Titans and the First Ones. You’ve got all the “Ul-” dungeons and raids, the Vaults, etc. And the Earthen themselves sort of fall into that, since they’re pretty much, as you said, robots that were created by the Titans. Shadowlands then introduced the First Ones as yet another layer of that — Zereth Mortis being this mysterious place that we slowly begin to decipher and understand.

Since that concept wouldn’t really work anymore without feeling like the lore is repeating itself yet again, I’d go for idea #2: space colonizers.

Suddenly, a dimensional rift opens in the Twisting Nether, and a fleet — kinda like the Burning Legion, or perhaps the Burning Legion itself from a distant future, now mutated into something far more terrifying — comes along in these extremely powerful spaceships, and quickly overwhelm us. They essentially take control of Azeroth in a matter of days. They begin colonizing us, enslaving us, draining the resources from our planet. We try to resist them as we can, but their technology (and thus, power level) is far greater than ours, so it’s a hopeless battle.

So we join forces with a renegade group from these invaders — one that opposes what they’re doing, and seeks to undermine them from within, to eventually overthrow them. That’s our new playable race. And that’s our new expansion (or saga) story.

This has been The Queue for today, friends. Take care, ask lots of questions for Matt, and have a good day!

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