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PodcastSep 20, 2024 2:00 pm CT

Blizzard Watch Podcast: The Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First has begun

Join us as we discuss the latest Race to World First news (as of the recording on Tuesday), if/when Blizzard will announce Mists of Pandaria Classic servers, the agony and the ecstasy of Delves, the bittersweet upcoming arrival of Arcane Season 2, and why we are convinced that the black blood of earth in WoW is cranberry flavored. Plan ahead for your Thanksgiving spread now.

You can listen to the podcast directly from this post or click on download icon in the upper right corner of the player below to listen on your own device.

Plus, here are our more recent podcasts for you to enjoy.

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And finally, if you subscribe to our Patreon Tier 2 or above you will not only get the uncut version of the Blizzard Watch podcast with a bonus 30 minute pre-show, but you will also be able to listen to the Blizzard Watch and Lore Watch podcasts two days before they are released to the public.

Thanks for your support and enjoy the show!

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