The Queue: Pumpkins are for spicing, not for wearing!

We’re into October and I’ve had many many pumpkin spiced beverages now. I can’t believe there was a time in my life when I stuck up my nose at them and refused to indulge. They’re so great!
Pumpkin makes everything around fall so much better! Pumpkin pie? Pumpkin spiced treats? Those tiny pumpkin candies that are like candy corn but pumpkin-shaped? All super delicious! Somehow even pumpkin-shaped Reese’s Peanut Butter cups taste better!
It’s very rude of the headless horseman to just wear a pumpkin as a hat, that pumpkin could’ve been pie!
While I try and add pumpkin to more things, it’s time for — The Queue!
Red and I played Vessel of Hatred, ask us anything!
What’s going to happen to my Sorceror’s Valor Points?
Is there a secret cow level yet?
Are Rogues fun yet?
What are the new treasure goblins carrying?
How long until we fight Diablo?
So this Renilash, “the final battle between Light and Shadow” – there’s a high probability that this will be the main plot of Midnight, right?
Q4tQ: Would you want playable Arathi, even if it is just Humans with slightly pointy ears?
How can Midnight be the final battle between Light and Shadow when we know there’s still another expansion beyond it? Checkmate.
Unless that last expansion we have to fight Shadowlight or Holy Shadows!! The Light and the Shadow coming to a realization that they need each other and should team up against the scourge of all of us mere mortals running around making a mess of things is just silly enough to be plausible.
Also, they could just give the pointy ears to Humans and save a playable race slot for something more deserving. Like bears. Not Furbolgs, just regular old bears. That’s also just silly enough to be plausible.
Q4tQ: after reading the BW article about the new D4 class , which spirit guardian(s) will you use if/when you play a spiritborn? I’m thinking gorilla, mostly because it’ll be tankier and I’ll die less but also because gorilla.
I’m looking forward to seeing that big centipede pop out and breathe toxic gasses on all of the various demons standing between me and loot.
Gorillas are fine and all I guess but (and this may shock you) I prefer my tankiness more in a bear flavor. However, I’m fully on board with the Jaguar and Eagle spirits. Jaguars are top-tier jungle animals and having one jump out and make tiny pieces of demons out of large demons is a great way to explore the jungles of Sanctuary.
Do Conjured Mana Buns have any calories? I’m headed towards becoming a Big Fat Mage with how many snacks I’m consuming to get through Delves.
I think they definitely do, but all of the various things that we do as adventurers of Azeroth probably burn all of those calories right off. Just think of all of that cardio our characters get running from encounter to encounter! Sure Blink is on a pretty short cooldown but there are still lots of moments between Blinks we have to use our feet like everyone else.
I just hope that there are quality laundry Mages, I don’t know how breathable some of those robes are. There aren’t any Under Armor outlets as far as I’ve seen.
AGAIN I got halfway through a Delve before realizing I hadn’t spec’d/geared Brann. I may be too stupid to play this game!
Sounds more like you’re too good! Clearly you’re kicking butt and taking names if you don’t even need Brann’s help.
I just hope that our upcoming Delve companions are better at being in our faces about selecting their specs. I’m sure that when we start hanging out with Baine in season 2 he won’t go five steps before he reminds us. He seems like a very nice and polite Tauren like that.
Here’s Bacardi all ready for his treat! You didn’t think that he was here for your benefit did you? Oh boy did you misread that situation. I’m sure that if he really likes his treat though you may get some trickle-down treats. It might not work in real life, but in video game luck — does it ever!
Today’s Anna Red(?) Kalcheus(?) Earworm: Cemetery
Have a spooky week everyone! Make sure to leave who ever is up tomorrow lots of questions, spooky questions!
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