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The War Within > WoWOct 8, 2024 12:15 pm CT

When is the WoW patch 11.0.5 Anniversary celebration release date? October 22!

World of Warcraft‘s current expansion The War Within has been out since August 26 (with early access beginning on August 22), and due to the published 2024 roadmap we already know that the first post-release update will be patch 11.0.5. This patch brings the 20th Anniversary celebration for World of Warcraft to Azeroth, and we now know it’s coming out the week of October 22!

By coming out on October 22 we have our first strong suggestion that The War Within is going to emulate Dragonflight‘s patch cadence, as eight weeks since the expansion released is right in line with the 10.x.5 patches. While patch 11.0.7 probably won’t arrive until after the anniversary event is over in January it looks like regular updates are still in the offing for TWW.

What’s in patch 11.0.5 including the 20th Anniversary celebration?

The 20th Anniversary celebration will be running from the release of the patch until January 6, 2025 and is promising to be a huge one, with several new events planned. These include:

  • Two new Anniversary world bosses: Sha of Anger and Archavon the Stonewatcher.
  • Blackrock Depths will be a new 8-boss “dungeon raid” for 10-15 players that can be run on LFR, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
  • Upgraded Tier 2 armor appearances, with new looks for classes that weren’t around during Classic.
  • Chromie has a new adventure at the Gates of Ahn’qiraj.

There’s a lot happening with the 20th Anniversary celebration so one could assume that it’s all that’s coming, but the Anniversary and its rewards aren’t the only things we’ll see with patch 11.0.5. So far we know that it will also include:

  • New rotation of Timewalking dungeons from Classic, including both wings of Stratholme, east and west wings of Dire Maul, Deadmines, and Zul’Farrak.
  • Dracthyr will be finally be getting classes besides Evoker; starting with patch 11.0.5 you’ll be able to roll Dracthyr Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock and Warrior.
  • Shaman will be getting new forms for Ascendance … although it wouldn’t surprise me if glyphs arrive shortly thereafter for those who want to keep the current forms.

Originally published January 29, 2024. Updated October 8, 2024.

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