You can pet so many dogs and cats in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Video game developers have finally discerned what their communities want — pettable animals. Lucky for franchise fans, the newly-released Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the next title to get on the bandwagon. Let’s discuss your animal options for all the scritches in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
First off, petting a furry companion in-game is super easy. A single interaction and you’ve got a new best friend — man’s best friend, in fact. Yes, dogs are prolific in your Veilguard wanderings. Just stroll up to a pup while they are lying down, and a button press delivers some quality head pats.
Now, it’s lovely to ruffle a Goodest Boy’s fur in the Treviso markets. However, cats are definitely where the quality scratch action is in the early game, and for one reason — purr rumbles. Yes, if you’re playing with a controller that has haptic feedback, petting a cat delivers a rumble as the cat purrs for your attention. There are even rumors of a cat cafe in Dock Town!
But the absolute best, by far, involves some spoilers. (If minor ones.) If you’re still in the early stages of playthrough (ex — have not encountered the Grey Wardens yet), consider this your stopping point. Have some Minrathous cats, judging you from their Dock Town perch:
That is a cat that knows I am lost and does not care. But it doesn’t matter because we’re about to discuss the absolute Best of Buddies — Assan.
Griffins are extinct in Dragon Age, right? The in-game codex entry for “The Grey Wardens” (under The World of Thedas) states they were “long before the recent Blight.” And yet, our Grey Warden companion, Davrin brings the cutest of accompaniments — Assan, a young griffon. Assan is peak cuteness with a penchant for belly rubs and gingerwort truffles, who you can give some solid pets, a nose boop, or even a hug! [Ed’s note: Assan is the best boy.]
Petting animals in games has become a phenomenon — one that Blizzard Watch embraces wholeheartedly. It has even driven fundraising goals at events like Summer Games Done Quick — if they hit a certain donation threshold, the speedrunner has to pet an available in-game animal (potentially costing them precious seconds in their playthrough but earning major cuteness points). So, if you’re blasting through Dragon Age: The Veilguard and your day just needs a bit of sunshine, pet an animal — they deserve a good scritch.
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