The Queue: Feel I was running an endless mile

Sometimes you need a song to just lose your beep over. Sorry, I can’t say the actual word here.
Q4tQ What feature of 11.1 are you most looking forward to?
Marin Noggenfogger.
QftQ: What’re y’all reading presently?
I’m currently reading House of Open Wounds by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Book 2 of the Tyrant Philosophers, following a hospital unit in the Palleseen Sway (the alleged Tyrant Philosophers) that’s using “irrational” techniques, like a priest of decay to keep patients from being infected, a priest of fire to sterilize equipment, and a lady who is able to take wounds from others and fast heal them back.
At present they’re getting their butts kicked by their Main Enemy, and are going to increase the rate at which they fling disembodied ghosts into the enemy rear to wreak havoc, which at no point could ever possibly go wrong. But the enemy was throwing “firebergs” at them, so hey.
I’m not even going to try and explain it, other than to say that it and Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie are the two best superhero books ever written.
I’ve been lurking for a long time, but I don’t think my comment history goes back as far as those articles, Kal :)
This is the first post I wrote for Blizzard Watch.
I literally came crawling out of the tomb this morning to write this Queue.
Thank you for the grue throwback! Q: Have grues made an appearance in any game since Zork? Seems like a missed opportunity–or maybe I haven’t seen them because, you know, it’s dark.
Forget since Zork, the Grue have a lively history from before Z0rk.
In 1977 Jack Vance’s The Dying Earth books first mentioned the Grue, a horrific night monster as vaguely described as Vance could get away with.
Honestly, Vance should probably be credited with at least as much influence on Dungeons and Dragons as Tolkien had. The Grue is the least of his contributions to gaming culture, and it’s a shame he’s not a household name.
So i tried the spiritborn, and it is nice. I still think that they should used a toad instead of a centipede for the poison guardian, but it is a minor gripe.
ults are really powerful, rotation is a bit slow but i think that would fix itself with more legendaries and levels.
the worse part is that when you reach level 25 the game drops you back to the char selection window, so there is no way to keep playing that char.
Yeah, it’s a trial, unfortunately.
I personally think that the Spiritborn using a centipede for venom makes a lot of sense. There are some big predatory centipedes out there that hunt things like Tarantulas (who hunt them back) and even some kinds of snakes. And at least one human death is attributed to centipede venom.
Things I think upon watching the Hazard stuff:
The guy doing Hazard’s voice is named Conor McLeod, and I’m sorry, I can’t not think about Highlander when I read that.
It hits me in the guts that Overwatch is basically a super hero comic book set in a cyberpunk dystopia after an anime apocalyptic war with intelligent machines. It’s peak 90’s. It’s what you’d get if you threw the X-Men in the Brundlefly machine with Akira and Patlabor.
I desperately want to make a tabletop game out of this.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today, y’all.
I’m still playing the heck out of Veilguard but I didn’t want to bore y’all.
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