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When is The War Within patch 11.1.7 release date — and what’s in it?

World of Warcraft has maintained a solid content cadence ever since the start of Dragonflight and the recently-revealed 2025 roadmap for The War Within demonstrates there’s no suggestion it’ll stop any time soon. It is already known that patch 11.0.7 will be arriving the week of December 17 and it’s that patch 11.1 — featuring our first journey to the Undermine — will be coming early in 2025 during the week of February 25 and that patch 11.1.5 will be following seven or eight weeks afterwards. The subsequent patch revealed in the roadmap is patch 11.1.7, and we forecast The War Within patch 11.1.7 will launch the week of June 3, 2025. 

Patch release consistency has improved over the past year so a default expectation of seven to eight weeks between patches seems like a safe bet. While the predicted interval between patch 11.0.7 and patch 11.1 is nine weeks, as X.X.5 and X.X.7 patches are typically smaller than the major tier patches we’re thinking seven week intervals for patch 11.1.5 and 11.1.7 to be more likely especially with how much content is due through the Autumn. If it ends up being eight weeks, however, a release the week of June 10 isn’t out of the question. The week of May 27 is less likely, however, as that Monday is a holiday in the United States.

What’s in patch 11.1.7?

The further out you get on the roadmap the vaguer it tends to get and patch 11.1.7 is no exception. New quests and content are a given, and the return of Turbulent Timeways will be welcomed by players that love to timewalk. We can try to predict what else may be included based on what we got during Dragonflight patch 10.1.7.

The main feature of that patch was Dreamsurges and with patch 11.1.5 likely given us instanced content with “Horrific Visions Revisited” it makes sense that we’d get a new open world event similar to Dreamsurges in patch 11.1.7. What form it could take is currently impossible to say, but perhaps the Horrific Visions from the previous patch will spill out into Khaz Algar. Patch 10.1.7 also gave us the Night Elf and Forsaken heritage armor — could Pandaren finally have their moment in the heritage sun?

Unfortunately there wasn’t much else in patch 10.1.7 we can apply to 11.1.7. The Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon was given heroic difficulty wings, but as there won’t be a mega-dungeon in patch 11.1 that’s off the table. This patch was also the one that delivered the Eastern Kingdoms Dragonriding Cup, so maybe more courses are in the offing (we can hope).

Originally published December 10, 2024. Updated February 11, 2025.

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