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Discussion > The War Within > WoWJan 9, 2025 8:00 am CT

How are you liking Siren Isle, the newest zone in The War Within?

Our expedition to Siren Isle has entered its fourth week, meaning that there’s been time to rotate through all of the invading factions as well as form our first impressions of the zone. While it is quite small geographically, there are quite a few things to do on the island. I have been enjoying my time in the new zone, but I do get the impression that most other players fall somewhere from indifferent to unimpressed.

The fact that the story of Siren Isle begins with a mystery was definitely a plus for me. An old Azerite mining site that the Kul Tirans cryptically abandoned? Sign me up for that expedition. Uncovering the different layers of lore across various eras of history was also up my alley — there’s nothing quite like sitting down and reading an ancient stone tablet while golden echoes of a 10,000 year old metal vrykul try to interrupt you.

The zone also feels dense with quests, mobs, treasures, and collectibles that overlap on its small footprint. I admit I do like a good chaotic run through an area where I’m constantly distracted by a different thing on my task list. A lot of folks were disappointed with the lack of flying on the island (some to the point of skipping the zone altogether), but I always like a good chance to use my stable of ground mounts. The Experimental Go-Pack mechanic took some getting used to, but it feels like a just-right boost to your ability to quickly move around on the island.

Some of the things that didn’t resonate with me I have heard from other players as well. The scenery is a bit drab — what is advertised as being inspired by the American Southwest looks a bit more uniform brown than you’d think. There have also been plenty of bugs across Siren Isle, with consequences ranging from slightly inconvenient to frustratingly impassable.

One final thing I appreciate is the sheer number of collectibles that the zone offers. I’m just about done with most aspects of Siren Isle already, despite not being glued to my screen for the last four weeks. Despite that, I would still need tens of thousands more Flame-Blessed Iron, the new currency on the island, to purchase every single one of the cosmetic rewards. Throw in four new mounts, a handful of battle pets, and a meta-achievement that caps off Season 1, and I’m perfectly satisfied considering this is a smaller content drop just before our next true adventure into Undermine.

So what do you think of Siren Isle? Have you been enjoying the first new zone we’ve explored since the summer, or do the drab rocky peaks leave you unimpressed? Are you abstaining from the expedition entirely and saving yourself for our new blazing-fast chariots in the goblin capital?

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