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The War Within > WoWJan 21, 2025 4:00 pm CT

How to unlock raid skips in the Liberation of Undermine coming in The War Within patch 11.1

Raid skips which let you bypass earlier bosses to fight (and farm) the later bosses have been a regular feature since Warlords of Draenor and in some cases have even been added retroactively such as in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. Previously the raid skips were unlocked via multi-week quests (or to rectify the occasional bug that favored a faction) that needed to be completed on each difficulty — except LFR, of course — in which you wanted to take advantage of a skip. This changes in the new Liberation of Undermine raid with the introduction of Raid Renown and the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club.

The procedure to unlock the raid skip is straightforward: simply reach Renown Rank 8 with the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club and that unlocks a raid skip that allows you to bypass bosses two through seven so that you can head straight to Chrome Prince Gallywix. This feature will be available on all difficulties (again, excepting LFR) and as it’s tied to Renown it won’t even require players to have ever defeated the intervening bosses — with the exception of Vexie and the Geargrinders the first boss in the raid which has to be defeated every time. It is not currently known whether defeating Gallywix after the raid skip will prevent players from engaging the other bosses afterwards but it is likely to be the case.

The one negative about this new implementation is that progression raiders won’t be able to unlock it until Week 7 of TWW Season 2 as the Renown track has an initial cap of one Renown per week. Fortunately the same NPC for the raid skip can also provide transportation to bosses that haven’t been killed yet like in Nerub-ar Palace. As there will be catchups available — and no cap after week 19 of Season 2 — players returning to the Liberation of the Undermine in the future will be able to take advantage of the raid skip almost immediately as they farm Mythix Chrome King Gallywix for the Keys to the Big G.

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