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Discussion > WoWFeb 3, 2025 8:00 am CT

How should World of Warcraft stagger holidays and events?

Love is in the Air — aka the holiday of mounts that don’t drop for me at all — starts this week and I’m going to be honest and state there is way too much happening concurrently in the World of Warcraft. Lunar Festival continues for another week, Turbulent Timeways and Plunderstorm are still ongoing, and it’s even Darkmoon Faire week. I guess we should be thankful that the Siren Isle quest chain finished up already but I imagine many players are still working on You Xal Not Pass and getting their Cyrce’s Circlet fully upgraded on their alts. It has resulted in the peculiar situation where I am looking forward to patch 11.1 because there will be fewer things to do!

Look, I’m never going to complain about a subscription game providing activities for players so they don’t get bored but it’s little crazy on Azeroth these days. I’m logging in daily (which I’m sure is what they want) but rather than taking the time to explore these events I’m doing the bare minimum. I would love to play Plunderstorm more than once a day but I have holiday items to collect and timewalking dungeons to run — not to mention other games besides WoW!

Darkmoon Faire has a monopoly in the first week of the month, but the holidays could’ve been better planned. Lunar Festival doesn’t need to start the same day as the Lunar New Year on Earth; it could’ve easily gone live  on January 21 and ended early this week. Valentine’s Day is only the 14th (although the 15th is becoming better known as “candy on clearance day”) so as long as the fortnight of Love is in the Air encompasses that day it could start whenever. There could’ve been no overlap among the three holidays instead of having three running at once.

The anti-lull activities like Plunderstorm probably are never going to be considered in relation to holidays because the former are for a specific part of the patching cycle while the latter are calendar-dependent. Maybe they should be though. Two anti-lull events while patch 11.0.7 is still relevant is pushing it; throwing three holidays on top of it feels almost punitive. Again, I love having stuff to do but there needs to be someone looking closer at what they’re expecting players to participate in — burnout is a real thing. And as we’re no longer in the era of “nothing to do for six months” perhaps lull concerns shouldn’t be as big as they were in Mists of Pandaria or Warlords of Draenor.

What do you think? Do you prefer holidays being faithful to their real-world equivalents or would you rather they be spaced out so players can concentrate on one at a time? Are you ok with multiple anti-lull activities being up at the same time or would you rather they had saved either Plunderstorm or Turbulent Timeways for later in the expansion? And do you find yourself doing a little bit of everything when you play or do you focus on just one or two?

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Filed Under: WoW Holidays

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