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Anna Bell

Anna Bell @liopleurodonic — Anna Bell -- and yes that is her real name -- has 2 kids, a degree in English literature, and has been playing video games as long as she can remember. In addition to Blizzard's game she's also into Farm Simulator esports, and romanced Alistair in Dragon Age.

The Queue: Genius!

I love detective and puzzle games. I am actually incredibly good at them, if you don’t mind me saying. But tell me why I can breeze my way through an intentional puzzle featuring rotational symmetry and puns in Italian and music composition and Greek philosophers and medallions featuring all six official Stooges only to discover, when I finally knuckle under and try to find a guide at the part where I’m stuck, the explanation offered is literally “go through the door, and.” What door? Where is it? Is the door in the room with us right now?

Anyway, I’m clearing out my Steam backlog, and Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a great time, as long as you know what a door is, apparently. Also there’s espresso. And a dog (and you can pet the dog).

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we hope you find the answer on this page we ripped out of a journal. Good luck.

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