Deb Montague
How do you feel about giant, deadly roaming enemies in World of Warcraft like the Fel Reaver or Whale Shark?
If you played during the pre-Cataclysm events and in Cataclysm up to the downing of Deathwing on your server, the above photo probably brings back memories -- perhaps not entirely good ones.
You can wear an eyeball on your head and other curiosities from patch 8.1.5
There is a history of creating -- let's say unique -- head gear.
Rare pet names and Allied Races: lots of Hunter goodies to come in patch 8.1.5
As World of Warcraft's patch 8.1.5 draws closer to live, we are getting more and more quality of life announcements.
How do you feel about needing Zidormi to change a zone’s timeline?
The other day, I was out and about collecting Coins of Ancestry from Elders for the new dragon pieces.
Year of the Pig Gallery: A plethora of porcine pictures
It's the Year of the Pig.
How often do you use the Black Market Auction House, and which of its items continues to elude you?
This little feature -- the Black Market Auction House -- has been in the game since Mists of Pandaria.
Could WoW battlegrounds be less frustrating?
Soon, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch will look different.
Hati returns in patch 8.1.5 with a hat and so much more
Hati, for a whole expansion you and I traveled around the Broken Shore and backwards onto other continents, defeating the Legion and others while I wielded Titanstrike.
Gallery: Elevators of Azeroth
Every (non-gathering) profession is getting a new item in patch 8.1.5
It was announced at BlizzCon that World of Warcraft's professions would see new quest lines which lead to a new item with a special ability.