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Kim Holmes

Kim Holmes @CalliMonk — has played Warcraft and other Blizzard games longer than she can remember. Previously, she worked on Windwalker guides for Wowhead and Elitist Jerks. She raids as Vengeance Demon Hunter and Brewmaster on Hyjal (US) (and as Brewmaster in previous tiers) and is the founder of the Peak of Serenity Discord server.

Zen Meditation: The art of melee DPS healing

For many, Mistweaver would simply be considered a class with a tank cooldown, a (rather strong) raid cooldown, and pretty decent throughput. However, this is completely ignoring the largest, most glaring strength of the Mistweaver, and chances are, it's because it throws a healer into an area that they probably are not very comfortable with -- being the melee DPS that happens to heal.

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