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Matthew Rossi

Matthew Rossi @MatthewWRossi — Matthew Rossi is a synapsid, perhaps descended from Cynognathus. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and grew up there before leaving to see the world and be mistaken for a sasquatch and/or minor singing celebrity in various locales. He currently lives and writes in Edmonton alongside his amazing and beautiful wife and their cats. He’s written three collections of speculative fiction, Things That Never Were, Bottled Demon and At Last, Atlantis. He loves playing warriors in World of Warcraft, barbarians in Diablo III, and he’s beginning to notice a pattern here.

The Queue: Fasolasuchus tenax

I briefly talked about Fasolasuchus in a Queue before. But I didn’t really go into much detail about the animal, a massive prehistoric pseudosuchian in the Loricata, an Archosaur clade that included all living members of the Crocodylomorpha and the various large terrestrial animals once called Rauisuchians.

This was a big boy. It hunted early members of the Sauropodomorpha like Lessemsaurus, which while not nearly as big as later Sauropods was still over 10 meters long and weighed upwards of four metric tons. (I accidentally wrote kiloton here instead of metric ton and had to come back in to correct it.)

The Queue: Cybergoth

Yup, I’m riding around Night City in all black and riding an all black bike thanks to the feature where you can change the color on some vehicles, which just so happens to include this bike.

This particular V is significantly more aggressive than earlier incarnations — my current loadout includes the x-MOD 2 variants of the Umbra assault rifle, the MA70 HB light machine gun, and the Pozhar combat shotgun which is crazy strong thanks to the Kneel! mod. I’m also switching in some non x-Mod weapons like Ol’Reliable and scouring the airdrops for the Techtronical special weapons. This time, I’m definitely a solo — haven’t touched a cyberdeck and primarily use a Sandevistan for ease of targeting as well as keeping enemies at a distance.

It’s a lot of fun so far. Might try a chrome compressor build sometime.

The Queue: I am a Negative Man

It’s March 6th, and an ocean of darkness comes to drown the world.

This is the Queue, and from this lone promontory of land stabbing out into the quivering abyss, we can but delay our imminent madness with diversions of light woven into stories. Hope is fleeting, life is transient, we watch the suffering of those we love helpless to prevent it. Shackled by beliefs that do nothing to hinder others from bringing doom and harm to everyone, we can but watch the next wave building. Soon like Atlantis we will be dragged beneath endless heavy tons of water.

I am a negative man, but we are not under the waves yet. So let us talk while we yet have time.

The Queue: Avowed

I find myself wondering if I’ll love this game the way I did DA:The Veilgard, and I honestly don’t know yet. Avowed feels very different to other games I’ve played in the same basic wheelhouse — it lacks the zany satirical feel of The Outer Worlds, the breathless chaos of Fallout: New Vegas, and while you can certainly understand that this game is inspired by games like the various Elder Scrolls games, it doesn’t really feel like one of those.

The Queue: Back on my bovine excrement

Sometimes, in the words of another game I enjoyed, Violence is the last, joyous resort of the improvident planner.

Whenever I play V I remember that line, because seriously, all her plans end up in a pile of that aforementioned mass of barnyard secretions. It’s almost like the game rewards me with dopamine for V’s terrible decisions.

I’m looking forward to Avowed on Game Pass, but until I get that, this will be my game.

The Queue: I have forgotten what sleep is

I am not kidding or exaggerating when I tell you I am functioning on less than an hour a day of sleep.

So this is going to be a Queue where I’m even less coherent than I usually am. So get ready for that.

Oh, and go play Tyranny because it’s one of the best written CRPG’s in history. I’d put it up with Planescape Torment or Fallout 2 for best CRPG story.

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