Diablo 4
What you need to know about Runes and Runewords in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred
Long-time Diablo fans probably remember Runewords from Diablo 2, in which you collected Runes to socket into your gear and combine to create Runewords, which were similar to affixes on Diablo 4 Legendary gear.
The Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred expansion comes out today!
The next Diablo 4 expansion is Vessel of Hatred, where we'll journey to Torajan Jungles (known to the locals as Nahantu) chasing after Neyrelle in a continuation of the game's story.
How to use the new Party Finder tool in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred
Since Diablo 4 launched, players have been asking for some sort of group finder or lobby feature that they could use to form groups with.
What are Mercenaries and why do I need them in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred
One of the key new features coming in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred is the new Mercenary system.
What are Tenets of Akarat in Diablo 4’s Vessel of Hatred?
Diablo 4, Vessel of Hatred brings us the mysterious new zone Nahantu, a strange land filled with new creatures and eerie architecture.
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred introduces a new gaming mode: the Kurast Undercity
Vessel of Hatred the newest expansion for Diablo 4 has added a new gaming mode for players called the Kurast Undercity.
How to unlock the Spirit Hall, the Spiritborn class mechanic, in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred
Spiritborn, the new Diablo 4 class introduced in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, are a hybrid class that combines martial ability with supernatural powers, offering players a variety of ways to fight and deal with enemies in throughout Sanctuary.
What’s changing in Diablo 4 if I don’t buy Vessel of Hatred?
Though the Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred expansion is coming out on October 7, the expansion isn't the only thing hitting the game next week: the latest patch also includes many improvements to the base game everyone can enjoy.
We had a chance to play the Spiritborn early — here’s what we thought of the new class in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred
Diablo 4's first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, launches worldwide on October 7 at 4PM pacific time, adding a whole new campaign through the jungles of Nahantu, along with the game's first new class, the Spiritborn.
While the Trolli gummies crossover promotion with WoW and D4 offers neat rewards, it’s leaving some fans sour
World of Warcraft and Trolli sour gummies have teamed up for a promotion where, by sending your receipt for any Trolli brand gummies, you can redeem for your very own Gummi Battlepet-- a cute little worm that fits in well with Azj-Kahet aesthetic.