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Search Results For: Star Wars

Role Play: Humans and age in roleplay

When it comes to age and timelines in roleplay, there's some overlap with certain races. Humans and worgen go hand in hand, and the Forsaken were also at one point human. This means that when you're considering creating one of these three character races, you can pretty much look to the same timeline -- with a few adjustments for where said character grew up, lived, or died, of course.

Know Your Lore: Azuka Bladefury, Warlord of the Burning Blade

When the opening came, she took it, becoming the latest Warlord of the Burning Blade and immediately setting to work to try and seal her place as the best and the brightest of the Iron Horde. And it worked, to a degree -- Azuka Bladefury may have had to prove her worth in a collection of more notable names like Blackhand or Kargath Bladefist, but she did so with swift and unerring efficiency.

Last week on Blizzard Watch: The class columns are coming

If you've been keeping an eye on Blizzard Watch this past week, you saw a number of our class columns make a fresh debut. If you haven't, you can find them all right here. There are still more on the way, so if you haven't seen your class yet, don't worry. It's coming. Along with the past week's columns, you can find all of the biggest news from Blizzard Watch here, too.

Role Play: Adventures in alternate universes

Warlords of Draenor brought to the table a lot of new story that all roleplayers can use and play with, but it also brought a pretty unique opportunity for both draenei and orc roleplayers. Because this expansion is taking place in an alternate universe version of Draenor, orc and draenei roleplayers now have the chance to play in a world of "what-if." What if your character is not from Azeroth, but in fact originated on this version of Draenor? What if you have two versions of the character you've been playing all along -- the Azeroth version, and the Draenor version? What if the two of them meet?

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