The Queue: Tomorrow is my birthday
My birthday is December 7th.
There’s lots of stuff going on in my life right now, I won’t bring it up, but it really brought home to me how fleeting life can be and how you never know what’s going to happen. Treasure the experiences you get, the people you love, the experiences that make your life what it is.
This is the Queue. Let’s get to those questions.
The Queue: And also the R, again
I’m writing the Queue on my wife’s birthday and that headline is one of her favorite jokes so yeah, here it is again. Look, it’s her birthday, she gets to see it.
Breakfast Topic: The Christmas in February
It's Blizzard Watch's birthday month!
Hearthstone’s 1st Birthday is here
If you're the kind of person who bakes things, why not bake up something Hearthstone related for the game's birthday?