Blizzard Watch Podcast
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Racing to World First in the Undermine
It probably isn't a huge surprise that our hottest topic this week was the World of Warcraft player housing preview.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: BlizzCon bound, baby! (in 2026, anyway)
Joe started off the podcast this week eating crow as he reflected on his prior assertion that BlizzCon would never happen again.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Racing our way to Season 2 of The War Within
This week's show started off with The War Within season 2.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Getting ready to explore Undermine in WoW patch 11.1
The podcast centered on a lot of fun new stuff that just hit WoW with patch 11.1 and Undermine.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: The Gen X of Diablos
Join us with special guest and resident Diablian Liz Patt as we discuss the new Season of Witchcraft arriving in Diablo 4, now that we've had a bit of a chance to get our hands on it -- though all the rest of the Diablo fam is a bit of a seasonal mess.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: What’s new in the returned Plunderstorm event?
Join us as we look into the improvements to the Plunderstorm event that has returned to the WoW servers for a limited time, the delay of the Cataclysm Classic Phase Four rollout, and the preview of Diablo 4’s upcoming Season of Witchcraft theme.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: I will do anything for this bee
It's time for another Blizzard Watch podcast!
Blizzard Watch Podcast: The best and worst of Blizzard in 2024
Join us as we look back at the high lows of 2024 of Blizzard and its many titles.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: WoW patch 11.1 notes and the Marksmanship Hunter changes
Join us as we discuss the controversial upcoming rework of Marksmanship Hunters that removes pets, the Goblin/casino/mecha T-Rex themed preview of WoW patch 11.1 coming early next year, the new updates to this year’s Winter Veil event, and the discovery of garden gnome cosmetics for when you need to be deadly, yet whimsical.
Blizzard Watch Podcast: Deep dive into WoW patch 11.0.7 Siren Isles
Join us as we discuss the new content that has arrived in WoW with the roll out of patch 11.0.7 Siren Isle, the treasure goblin kill fest Diablo 4 holiday event, Hearthstone’s current meta mess, and the new Heroes of the Storm custom game mode that gives us hope that the title may still be revived.