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The Queue: The Cow

For some reason, Blizzard games and cows go together as well as popcorn and butter, Romeo and Juliet, mac and cheese. From the Secret Cow Level in Diablo to the iconic Busan Cow from Overwatch; from the Tauren in World of Warcraft and the Tauren Marine in StarCraft to ETC from Heroes of the Storm, or the ever useful E.T.C., Band Manager from Hearthstone… cows and cow-people always find a way into Blizzard games — and I’m certain we all agree that they’re much richer for it.

This is The Queue, where we talk about cows, factions, MMOs, ţ̴̝͒̈̈́́h̶͇͈͎̹̬͚͕̜̎͑͋e̸̯̞̟͒̒͂ͅ ̴͔̥̦͕̈́̍̾̀̿̉̊͠͠͝ͅv̴̺̖̞̜̮̘̬̦͗͛͂͂̅͐͐õ̷̡̼̜͉͖͐̏͛̾̈́i̴̝̖̐̿̾̄̆d̶͇̮̻͕͉͉͍̪̱̝̋́̆̓͗͠, and more cows.

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