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Duck Yeah

The Queue: Ducks

Ducks and their relatives have been around for a long, long time — there are fossils of waterfowl related to ducks and geese going back to before the Cretaceous/Paleogene extinction event. Vegavis was not an ancestor of or a member of the Anatidae, but it was certainly a relative. Other possible (although more dubious) duck relatives include the Demon Duck of Doom, aka Bullockornis, although a lot of paleontologists think they’re more closely related to chickens.

Why on Earth do I bring this up? Well, WoW has a tendency to add things like saber teeth or spiked tails to animals that did not or do not actually have them. And man, I’m hoping they go whole-hog on ducks and give us something like Garganornis except with giant teeth in its bill for no reason whatsoever.

It’s the Queue. Let’s duck this!

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