Gold sinks aren’t to remove gold, they’re to keep people playing
Update: This was originally published just for our supporters, but now it's available for everyone.
🔒 Why the joy of wanton slaughter works for Diablo
Why do I love Diablo 3 and keep coming back to it?
Has WoW gotten too grindy?
I finally hit Artifact level 51 tonight, looked at my Artifact and realized I needed another 500 million Artifact Power to get my first Concordance of the Legionfall level.
Breakfast Topic: Are you still keeping up with your garrison?
When garrisons first arrived on the scene, they seemed like an exciting new aspect of the game.
Breakfast Topic: Back from a WoW vacation
I've returned from a vacation in sunny Florida to find that I have, once again, been falling behind on my World of Warcraft goals.