Hearthstone Expansions
Hearthstone’s next expansion, Into the Emerald Dream, releases March 25, boosting Hero Powers and Discover effects
We've already known for a while that Hearthstone's next expansion is gonna be Into the Emerald Dream, but now we have an actual preview of some of its mechanics, as well as a release date: March 25.
Hearthstone’s 2025 Roadmap reveals the Year of the Raptor, with the next three expansions and their minisets
In a change from how things have been done in recent years, the Hearthstone team has decided to unveil all three upcoming expansions in their next calendar, the Year of the Raptor.
The Great Dark Beyond Hearthstone expansion release date is November 5
The next Hearthstone expansion, The Great Dark Beyond, is releasing on November 5, 2024.
The Great Dark Beyond adds Draenei as a new minion type to Hearthstone
Hearthstone is getting a new minion type: the Draenei have joined the fray in The Great Dark Beyondexpansion, and they're all about rewarding you for playing more and more Draenei.
The nine most interesting cards in Hearthstone’s Whizbang’s Workshop expansion
The newest Hearthstone expansion, Whizbang's Workshop, is now live, paying homage to the ten years of history of Blizzard's card game.
Caverns of Time is Hearthstone’s first ever Wild expansion, also coming to Twist Season 1
In a somewhat unexpected development, the Hearthstone team has announced the game's first ever expansion for the Wild mode.
The next Hearthstone expansion is Titans
The next Hearthstone expansion is Titans, set in the distant past in the city of Ulduar, which stands above the imprisoned Yogg-Saron.
Murder at Castle Nathria is Hearthstone’s next expansion
There's been a Murder at Castle Nathria, and Sire Denathrius is dead!
Hearthstone’s latest expansion takes us under the sea in Voyage to the Sunken City
The first Hearthstone expansion of 2022 is Voyage to the Sunken City, and it launched today, April 12, so we hope you're just as excited as we are to explore the bottom of the sea as the adventure takes us to the sunken city of Zin-Azshari.
Fractured in Alterac Valley is Hearthstone’s next expansion, featuring the return of Hero Cards
As we had already been expecting for at least eight months, Hearthstone's next expansion -- the third and final chapter of the Year of the Gryphon -- will take us to the battlegrounds of Alterac Valley.