Method gets world first Mythic Archimonde kill
After a few harrowing weeks and raid resets, Method has come through with the world first Mythic kill of Archimonde, the final boss in Hellfire Citadel.
Breakfast Topic: Every new beginning
When I left my progression raiding guild and settled down into my current 'raid when I can get to it' guild, I realized things had changed for me and World of Warcraft. It's not that I love the game any less -- after eleven years I think it's safe to say that WoW and I are officially a thing -- but I just finally lost my taste for what it takes to raid content at the highest level the game offers.
Blood Legion to step back from World First raiding
One of the biggest (in terms of success) raid guilds in the world has decided to step back. Blood Legion, a US raiding guild on the Illidan server, has decided to scale back their raiding hours.